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"Come on honey, let him sleep a little while longer." Closing the door behind them.

"No need she woke up half the block." Jermaine shot.

Janet laughs, "See what you did? Go pick out some clothes and I'll get your water ready for your bath."

"Can I just wear riding clothes?"

"Why do you want to wear riding clothes?" Breaunna looks down and shrugs her shoulders. "You wanna get on Sasha after the competition don't you?"

Her eyes light up. "Can I?"

"Of course you can. Go pick out your stuff." Janet leaves to run Breaunna's bath water.

While Breaunna took her bath Janet went back to her and Jermaine's room and sat on the bed. When Jermaine came out of the bathroom he saw her sitting there and got a little concerned.

"Hey, whats wrong?"

"Nothing..." She lied.

"I can see it in your face... tell me."

"I'm just a little nervous 'cause Breaunna just asked me to ride Sasha after London's competition today and it's the first time since she fell off...."

"We knew this day would come and since she asked to go I think she's ready. If she's not scared you shouldn't be either and I'm happy she decided to get back to riding unlike when she refused to get near her bike after she fell into the hedges that time."

"I guess you're right. Maybe I just expected it to be like the bike incident, I guess she learned a life lesson after all that drama." She said after thinking.

"I know she did. I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Okay baby." She picks up her phone to text Gil.

Hey r we still on 4 breakfast? He responds almost immediately. If London ever gets out of bed we are. She laughs at the irony of their situation while responding. lol, my Bee is buzzing and she's not even in the comp! Wake his little butt up and we'll meet you at the spot @ 8:15. :) She puts her phone down after reading his reply. See u guys then!

"Mom, will you braid my hair please?"

"Okay go sit at the vanity and I'll do it." Breaunna goes over to the vanity and sits down "One French braid coming up" She says as she goes over and fixes Breaunna's hair for her.

While Janet did Breaunna's hair Jermaine finished his shower and came out in his robe.

"I heard there was a brave person in this room who's going to get back on her horse today... I wonder who that is?" He acts as if he doesn't know.

"Me!" she exclaims, raising her hand proud.

"Okay, you two I'm gonna get in the shower before we're late for breakfast."

"Where are we going, mommy?"

"All you need to know is that we're going for breakfast..." she says walking into her closet

"Do you know where we're going?" Breaunna whispers to Jermaine.

"He doesn't know where we're going yet," Janet answers her whispered question.

"HOW does she do that?!" She mouths to Jermaine.

Jermaine shrugs his shoulders unsure of how any mother does that. "Go finish getting dressed Breaunna." He instructs.

"Okay." She says before leaving.

After Janet finished her shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed she went downstairs. Jermaine was in the kitchen on the phone but she didn't see Breaunna on her way down.

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