16|My Happy Ending

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Janet rolled over as the sun beamed through the window, filling the bedroom with sunlight. She rolled over only to find the bed empty, she got out of bed and went to take a shower. She treasured the little bit of peace and quiet she had as she showered since it would soon be replaced with the kids, music and their rehearsal for the school's talent show. The show was nearly three weeks away and Breaunna, Tyler, Peter, and Josie were all excited about competing together. They'd pretty much learned the routine but still had a few more wrinkles to iron out. She was completely ready for them this time; last week there were tons of tears as they each beat themselves up about not doing something perfectly.

Early in the week, when Breaunna finally remembered practice this week she begged Jermaine to come watch. Much like Janet and Breaunna both thought he would, he said yes and agreed to watch them practice, not knowing exactly what he was in for. She knew she probably should've warned him but she wanted him close because she had an uneasy feeling after bumping into Rene the other night. She still hadn't told Jermaine about it and what he said. He didn't even know why Rene left or half of the things that happened between them before he left her. In fact, only three people knew what really happened: Rene, Janet, and Rebbie.

Wary of thinking the situation over, she turned off the shower, stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. After drying off and putting on lotion she got dressed. She tried to pick out the most comfortable clothes she could find. Deciding on some gray Free City Sweatpants and a green t-shirt, as she pulled her shirt over her head the silence was shattered.

As she sprinted down the stairs she heard Breaunna whimpering in pain. "No! No! It's gonna hurt I want mommy to do it!" All the while Breaunna was trying to pull her hand away from Jermaine. He sat her on the counter, still holding the injured hand.

"What happened?" Janet asked coming into view.

"She's got a splinter is all..."

Thinking quickly Janet walks over to them and distracts her, giving Jermaine time to work on her finger. "So, what are you two doing?"

"We were making breakfast," Breaunna says as Jermaine pulls out the splinter.

"Oh okay, I'll bet you didn't feel when Jermaine took the splinter out..."

Looking at her finger, "It's gone?"

"It sure is. That wasn't anything to be scared of was it?" Jermaine asks.

"I guess not I just didn't think you could do it..."

Jermaine gasps, pretending to be offended. "You doubted me?!"

Janet chuckles as Breaunna grabs Jermaine and gives him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "Sorry."

"It's okay princess."

When Jermaine put Breaunna on the floor she immediately ran outside to continue what she was doing, the previous trauma totally forgotten.

Looking out the window, Janet watched as Breaunna disappeared in the pool house. "What is she doing out there?"

"It's a secret." Jermaine pours batter on the waffle iron.

"Are you two keeping secrets from me again?"

Jermaine nods, eyes on the waffle iron. "Yep."

Janet walks over and sits on the countertop still looking out the window, her mind drifting off. Lost in a reverie of pleasant memories she comes to the realization that this could all come crashing down and be lost forever. What did Rene want? How was she going to explain any, if not all of this to everyone? She was so engulfed in her thoughts that she hadn't realized Jermaine had been talking to her.

He walked over to her and held her hand in his, snapping her back to the present. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why would you say that?" She lied.

"Ever since dinner and Breaunna's revelation last night you've been kinda different. J, you even cried last night and you don't cry for anything... On top of all that you're sitting here looking worried and I have no idea why."

"I'm fine; I'm just over thinking things..."

"Baby, whatever it is I'm here for you when you're ready to tell me. I love you."

"I love you too."

Breaunna ran through the door, and up to her room, in search of the last part of her surprise. Pulling out a piece of paper from her secret hiding spot, she quickly folds it and puts it in her pocket.

"Will you tell me what she's up to?"

"The only thing she asked me to do was make breakfast because she had a surprise for you. What it is I have no idea but whatever it is it's out there and it's special because she has been running up through here all morning."

Breaunna walks into the kitchen, "Mommy, you're going to need shoes cause your surprise is outside..."

"Well I'll go put some on and I'll be right back."

While Janet goes to get a pair of shoes, Breaunna tells Jermaine what she plans to do. He takes the waffles and fruit over to the pool house and starts to get everything ready. When he gets there he's shocked at what he sees off in the corner a few feet away from Breaunna's playhouse. Breaunna had set up her tea table, which was under the shade of a few trees.

Meanwhile, in the main house, Breaunna is hurrying Janet along. Grabbing her hand she drags Janet out of the house, across to the pool house and inside. "Close your eyes, mommy..."

"Okay."Janet closes her eyes as instructed.

"And no peeking!" Breaunna says pulling her through the back door. "Okay open them!"

"Oh wow, you made your tea party table all pretty! Is that my surprise?"

"A little bit but I'm hungry let's go eat!"

Janet laughs at Breaunna frankness, "Alright."

After everyone finished their breakfast they take everything inside and got ready to start the rest of the day. Jermaine went to the studio while the girls left the store before Breaunna's rehearsal. Janet turns on the radio just as "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble comes on.

Janet and Breaunna both start singing the song.

"I'm not surprised, not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track Talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up then I let myself down I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought, I thought of every possibility And I know some day that it'll all turn out You'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get I just haven't met yo--"

As though in slow motion, it happened. Another car rammed into Breaunna's side of the car, causing them to spin out of control. The sound of metal hitting metal, shattering glass and the blood-curdling screams of Breaunna filled the air. When the car finally came to a stop everything seemed to return to its normal pace.

"Mommy?" Breaunna says taking off her seat belt and going over to Janet. "Mommy wake up!" She shook Janet but she didn't open her eyes.

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