Chapter 2

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James POV
I pull up outside my new school, it's huge, modern and packed with kids. At my old school I was always late but seeing as it's my first day late isn't an option. I park my new sports car and gain some impressed looks from kids around me.

I make my way through the crowded corridors towards what looks like an office area, I think I'm supposed to get my schedule from here? There's a small old lady in the corner doing a crossword, and therefore is oblivious that I'm here. I try waving but nothing.
"Dorothy can't be budged after she picks up her morning crossword, LOL" I hear from behind me and see a kid about my age, but shorter. He's got some comic inspired T-shirt tucked into his jeans and they look ironed, typical video nerd. Well and he said LOL...
"I'm Max" the kid says, extending a hand to me
"James, I'm new" I say nodding at him
"Here I'll help you out" he mutters, shuffling around the desk and handing me several pieces of paper. "I'll give you the basic tour and show you to your locker" he says giving my a wonky smile.
"and this is the gym hallway" Max continues even though I'm only half listening, I'm busy noticing the flirty smiles from the girls and nods from jock like guys.
"Finally, your locker" Max announces, bowing before it. This kid is weird.
"Cheers bro" I say absent minded, I'm busy looking at two girls not far from me. They were pretty hot, but not as hot as my Riley.
"Bro, one question, who are they?"
"Ah..." Max starts "that's Lillian and Courtney, they're just waiting for their Queen B. They're trouble. Lillian is from South America, very feisty Latina, but she knows everything about everyone, you don't get on her bad side. Courtney is from the riches family around here, note the bleach blonde hair, it's a family trait meaning trouble. Her Daddy basically owns everything around here. But their leader, she's different. Everyone loves her, but I feel like she has a dark side under the kind smile. She's quite short, natural brunette but I believe she's blonde-ish lately. She's a great dancer and often the cheerleaders beg her to perform with them. Every guy in the school wants her, she's a natural beauty, but she already has a boyfriend, he doesn't go here though. My advice? Stay away" he warns.

I'm about to turn for my next lesson when I hear then front doors swing open and a dozen "hi's", I guess queen B has arrived. I turn back to face the direction that the girl is in, and a large grin forms on my lips when I see her.

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