Chapter 6

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Riley's POV
James has been at my school for about 2 weeks now, but since that first day I've hardly seen him. He's always with the boys from football, joking around in lessons, which is not good. He's had 3 detentions so far and if Debra finds out... I've barely spent 5 minutes with him this week, and it's Thursday morning. I tried to talk to him Tuesday morning but he just pecked my lips and said "Don't even worry about it babe" before running off. But at dance he's the normal James I fell in love with. We talk, dance and hang like before he moved schools. I don't know, it just feels like he's only paying attention to me at dance.
"Riley?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Cierra and Giselle waving their hands in front of me.
"Sorry I zoned out" I giggle, still confused by the James situation.
"We can tell, Michelle is waiting for you in studio b to talk about costumes?" Giselle chuckles as I turn and jog towards where Michelle is waiting, but when I get to studio b no one is there, so I sit and wait.

About 5 minutes later I hear footsteps and look up to see Charlie headed my way, smiling kindly.
"Hey Ri"
"Hey Charlie" I smile back as he sits beside me
"What's up? You seemed lost in thought when I saw you" he questions, brushing a loose strand of hair out of my face, in a best friend way.
"I don't know. Maybe it's in my head. But since James changed schools he's been weird? He hardly notices my existence there but here he acts like nothing's up" I sigh, turning to Charlie for guidance.
"Sorry I'm late Ri-" Michelle begins, walking in but sees me and Charlie talking "am I interrupting?" She questions sweetly.
"Nah it's okay Michelle, we were just talking" I smile at her
"I get it Ri, but you'll figure it out" Charlie says, placing a hand on my shoulder before he leaves me and Michelle to focus on internationals.
I rushed from the studio to class this morning so I didn't see James, but Charlie's words stayed in my head all morning.

Lillian and Courtney meet me outside my socials class to walk into lunch together, but we all stop a few feet down from James' locker when I see him flirting with three girls.

James POV
I leave my Chemistry class and head to my locker when I'm approached by 3 girls, Stacey, Amber, and Lola, they're all in my gym class and they're pretty hot.
"Hey James" they giggle in sync
"Hey" I smirk at them, Riley's probably in the cafeteria so she won't know.
"We hear you dance, could you I don't know, show up some time?" Amber asks, stepping closer to me
"I guess, whatever" I say casually, leaning on my locker
"You must be so strong to dance and play football. I hear you've got to be pretty fit" Lola smirks, chewing on her lip
"Well yeah, we do all these crazy flips and lifts" I begin, noticing they hang on every word I say. I continue talking, showing off and flirting for 5 minutes. I'm about to leave them to catch Ri quickly before I see my boys when I hear something that makes me freeze.

"Hey Ri, you okay?" Someone who sounds just like Charlie shouts from down the hall.
I look up, past the three girls in front of me and see Riley stood with her arms crossed and her hip cocked. Lillian and Courtney are on either side of her, glaring at me. But Riley doesn't glare. She looks mad, and hurt. She looks me up and down before she walks away, towards Charlie, Ash and Tom.

I try calling her, pushing past the girls and running but she ignores me. Ash grabs my arm, distancing me from Riley.
"Bro, give her 5 to cool off" he warns before rejoining the group...

Cliffhanger for y'all 😉😘

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