Chapter 18

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Riley POV
I creep into the house just after midnight, my mom knew I was at a party tonight so she knows I'll be late, but I'm afraid that she didn't tell my father. I tiptoe into the house and slowly closing the door, peering around in the darkness. Nothing. Maybe my father went out drinking? I quietly make my way upstairs and wipe off the remains of this clown makeup, strip off the revealing clothes and pull on a baggy t-shirt with sleep shorts. The routine normally takes 10 minutes at the most but this time it took 30 because I was too afraid to turn my light on or even move to fast in case I made a noise and woke someone. Eventually I curl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up at 5am the next morning, thankfully I don't have school but I have dance. Although not for another 3 hours. I roll over to get out of bed, and then the pain hits me. It's rips through both my arms, my stomach and legs. I wince in pain, but drag myself out of bed, not expecting what I saw in my reflection. My left arm was covered in dry blood and bruises, my right arm and shoulders, also covered with bruises from being pinned down and hit. My lip was bloody and I had bruises down my jaw, a small cut through my eyebrow. My head stung from my hair being pulled. My legs, also covered in bruises, a medium cut running down the back of my right calve, my knees grazed. My feet ached from those stupid shoes. I take off my shirt quickly and see a purple-red bruise on my stomach and several others on my chest and breasts. Finally my back and shoulder blades are black and blue with bruises from being shoved against the wall.
The thoughts of last night made me shudder, I'm just thankful I was strong enough to get away.

I throw on a pair of leggings, halter top and jacket, with a thick layer of makeup to cover the majority of the cuts and bruises. Honestly I don't want to face A-troupe today, let alone James. He saw parts of what happened last night, and I don't want to answer his questions, I want him to drop it.
I decide I'm ready and check my phone for the first time since I ran out last night, it was only 6.15. But as I look down the lock screen I'm amazed.
Missed calls from James (8)
Missed calls from Lillian (15)
Missed calls from Courtney (15)
Missed calls from Ash (3)
Missed calls from Charlie (8)
Voicemails (5)
Texts (58)

I decide to flick through the texts and voicemails, mainly just my friends, and James, telling me they're worried and to text them. Courtney and Lillian say they're together to call, even though it's only 6.39 they pick up.
"WTF RI! What happened babes??" They shout from the other end
I explain everything from when I spoke to James, to running out last night. Omitting the bruises and cuts. They're in stunned silence. They say stuff about killing Tony and Levi, blaming themselves for setting us up and all but when it hits 7 I decide to say I'll call them after dance, mainly because I don't want to relive last night.

I trudge downstairs expecting to see my parents, yelling or staring at each other icily. But only Emily was there. I took a closer look at her and saw her puffy eyes.
"Em? What's wrong? What's happened? Where's mom and dad?" I question frantically, sitting beside her at the table.
"Dads gone Ri. He walked out last night. He said he had enough of all of us. He told me he never wanted kids, and still doesn't, then told mom she was a disgraceful slut and only married her out of pity" she cries, her head in her hands.
It takes me a while for it to sink in. My dad left us. He hates us. He doesn't want me or Emily. All the happy childhood memories were a lie, all the I love you's for the past years have all been lies.
"Mom won't leave her room, and do you know what's worse Riley? He wasn't even drunk when he said it. He was 100% sober" she continues, crying, as I just sit there, heart broken. I was always a Daddy's girl until the fights started.
I get lost in the memories and Harley notice my phone buzzing from texts.

James - Want a lift to dance Ri? It's pouring out & i need to know you're okay.
James - Riley please talk to me? I'm worried
James - Riley I will come over there right now!

I sigh and pick up my phone, typing quickly
Riley - I'm okay thanks, I'm not coming in to dance today. Something's happened at home
James - oh okay. Hope you're okay though. I can stop by later if you need?
Riley - I'm fine. Thanks.

Then I lock my phone and put on the table, telling  Em I'm not going to dance, I can't face it and I don't want to leave her here alone.
Then my phone buzzes again.
I huff expecting it to be a message from James, but it's from an anonymous number with a video. I cautiously open the video and see something I feared but expected. Levi and Lola were... 'Hooking up' on her sofa. It didn't really hurt until I saw who else it had been sent to, the whole school...

As Long As I Have Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें