Chapter 20

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Riley's POV
James gets out of the car and comes around to my side to open my door. I try stand but I'm still pretty shaken and can't stand up properly. I expect James to roll his eyes and give me his hand like when we first met, but instead he bends down and scoops me up in his arms, and carries me into the house. He gently places me down on the couch and disappears into the kitchen. Quickly returning with two cups of tea. He remembers how to make mine perfectly, strong, one sugar, dash of milk.
I smile sweetly as he passes me my tea, then quickly closes the curtains, as I notice the rain beginning to fall, before returning to the couch.

He sits beside me, closer than I expected so shuffle away slightly, draping his arm on the back of the couch, behind my back, and relaxes. He looks slightly offended that I moved away, but softens when I look down at my hands. It's not him, I'm just not comfortable around people right now.
"What's been going on Riles?" He asks me softly, looking at me as I look down
"Nothing James, I'm fine" I whisper, trying to keep my voice level
"Doesn't seem like nothing Riley!" He snaps, scaring me a little "sorry, Riles. Please tell me, I care about you. Hell I love you. I can't stand seeing you like this" he pleas
But I continue to look down and stay silent
"Screw this I'm going back to school" he sighs, getting annoyed at my barriers.
He gets to the front door before I turn round and cry out to him
"James, please, please don't. I'm scared I don't want to be alone right now" I beg, tears rolling down my cheeks.
He walks back to the couch and looks me in the eyes,
"You didn't think I'd really leave you did you Riles?" He smiles but I just cry harder
"Hey hey, Riles, baby it's okay" he comforts, embracing me tight as I cry into his chest. God I've missed him holding me.

We stay like that for a few minutes, until I can cry anymore and have grab the tea James made me. He goes to sit back where he was before, slightly away from me, but I cling to him and he puts an arm around me, holding me like old times. Placing my tea down I decide I need to tell James about everything. I take a deep breath
"My dad walked out the day of Lola's party. Mom and he have been arguing for months, he's been drinking. They fight over everything, mom walks out for a while or storms upstairs. After we broke up, my dad, had gotten worse. Emily and I heard them arguing really badly once, so we went to the studio. We came back after curfew and our dad had been drinking. That's where the bruises came from James. When my dad got drunk and mad, he hit us, mainly me because I'm younger and an easier target. That's why you scared me so much when you got drunk. Levi and Tony tried to get me to do drugs with them, of course I never did, but they both liked to share me. Tony often...touched Lola's... He got me upstairs and tried to... But I fought back, he really hurt me though. Then this morning..." I trail off, beginning to cry again as I poured everything out to James, every so often he kissed my forehead or held me closer.

James POV
Seeing Riley cry breaks my heart. I hold her close and comfort her best I can. She explains about how when she got to school this morning loads of people asked her about the video and she stormed over to Levi. He and Tony were smoking pot again. There was a large argument, leading to the boys heading over, grabbing Tony just as he took a swing at Riley, missing thankfully.
"Oh baby" I sigh, rubbing her arm as she clings to me.
"Maybe I should call your mom Ri?" I suggest but she shakes her head sadly
"She works late and rarely comes home, if she does she just locks herself in her room all day. Emily's rarely around lately either, she's always at Stephs, or Giselles, anything to get a way from it. She takes me to school every so often though." Riley sighs, looking down. 
"That's settled then, you're staying here tonight" I grin at her but she looks confused "Ri, is pouring out there, there's a storm coming babe. My family are all on some business trips or school trips. I want the company and I'm sure you do too"
I notice a quick smile flash across her face before she looks up at me
"Thank you" she says sweetly and gently, but then her expression changes to a serious one, worrying me "but don't call me babe" she giggles as I pull her close.
That's when I realise it, I'm going to get her back, I'm never giving up on Riley.

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