Chapter 9

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James POV
I wake up the next morning and my head's splitting, my mouth's dry and tastes of a mix of alcohols and cigarettes. I open my eyes to blinding light, I'm on someone's couch but I have no idea who's. I stretch out and find my phone on the floor next to the couch. It's 8.05am on Saturday. I have dance in an hour and I'm supposed to pick up Riley before hand. I can hardly remember last night, I remember Riley texting that she arrived, then shortly after her friends pulling her away. After's blank. I stand up slowly and watch towards what looks like a kitchen. There's a boy, my height and stance, brown hair and brown eyes. Tom.
"Tom? What am I doing here?" I croak
He looks shocked when he sees me
"man you still got the mark, your girlfriend sure is strong" he hands me a glass of water and an Advil for my head "you were drunk as hell man. You couldn't go home so I bought you here seeing as my whole family is away"
I nod taking it all in "cheers bro. I'm just gonna call Riley quick, make sure she's up and ready for dance" I say, leaving the room but Tom stops me
" I wouldn't do that man. Not after last night" he warns but I'm just confused
"What? Why not? Did something happen?" I quickly afraid for my girl
"You don't remember do you?" He sighs. He walks over and hands me his phone.
A video pops up, it's Amber and I dancing...well not exactly dancing, then she kisses me, and I kiss back. No wonder Riley's mad. I thought that was it but suddenly Riley appears on the screen. She slaps me before screaming at me and running out.
"Bro, I need to talk to her" I stutter, mad at myself for what I did to Riley. How could I force myself on her and yell at her!
Tom just sighs and tells me to get into his car.

Riley's POV
Emily's driving me to dance, even though she can't dance anymore. She knows all about last night, so does half the studio seeing as someone posted a video of me and James fighting last night. I check my reflection for the forth time as Emily drives. My eyes are no longer red, nor puffy. Same with my cheeks. I feel broken inside but I won't let anyone apart from Emily see that. I have a reputation and James won't ruin it.
"Ri, you look fine" Emily reassures me.
I just smile at her, knowing that if I speak I'll crumble. We're half an hour early because I just need to dance right now. Hopefully James is too hung over to show up, I can't face him. Not yet. I know he was drunk and probably not himself but I'm still afraid of his attitude when he was drunk.

We reach the studio and Emily walks up the stairs with me, she needs to talk to miss Kate. I avoid studio A and head to the music room. I plug in my phone and play Cannonball by Lea Michele, then Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, I dance to several other songs, and I begin to feel lighter and less angry.

James POV
Tom dropped me home to change before driving me to the studio. I'm ten minutes late, but I'm here. I head into studio A and get some pretty harsh looks from the girls, except Riley, she's not there. Eldon, West and Noah head over to me.
"Tough break bro" West says, patting my back
"I was drunk man, I would never force Riley, or hurt her in my sober mind. I can't believe I did that. I love her but she hates me" I groan.
My bro's try cheer me up but it doesn't work, I need to sort things with Riley.
Finally she walks in from the direction of the music room, I guess she's been dancing. I head in her direction but she sees me and backs up a few steps, clearly afraid.
"Riles, can we talk" I beg, but she won't even look at me "Ri, baby please"
"Are you fully sober? Not gonna throw me up against a wall? And touch me up when I say no?" She says, both her voice and face expressionless.
"Ri, baby you know I would never-" I start but she cuts me off, stepping closer
"No James, I thought I knew, like I thought you loved me. Clearly neither of us know who you really are" she angrily whispers. She tries to brush last me, but I gently grab her hand and turn her to face me, her now cold eyes boring into mine.

Riley's POV
I look up deep into James' eyes, he's in the verge of crying, and James never cries. This cold anger is just a face. Of course I love him, I know he would hurt me but what am I supposed to do.
"Riley please, I was drunk, out of control. Baby I'll never hurt you like that again. I need you Ri" he whispers, looking into my eyes for forgiveness, making me melt. His eyes are so hurt and full of regret, I want to fall into his arms and cry right there. But I can't.
"I don't know James..." I start but he kneels in front of me, holding my hands. The whole of A-troupe is now staring at us, so I grab James' hand and pull him into the corridor.
"I'll never drink again Ri. You and I both know that wasn't me last night. I woke up smelling of cigarettes, you know I would never smoke Riley, yet I did. I hurt you baby, and I never want to put you through that again I love you, so much Riley. I can't lose you" he pleads, he takes a breath to continue but I cut him off by kissing him.
It's gentle but passionate, he gently presses me against the wall and slips his tongue into my mouth. We stay like that for about 15 minutes, tongues intwined, lips moving in sync, hands roaming.
But someone clears their throat behind us and we pull apart to see Cierra stood there
"Giselle told me to come get you, we have internationals to win" she sighs sarcastically before laughing and walking back to studio A, James and I trailing behind holding hands.

Don't worry this isn't the end, more drama coming next chapter 😉

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