Chapter 13

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Riley POV
I storm into my history class after this morning. How could Levi try make me do that? And let his freaky friend touch me like that! Ugh guys.
"What's up with you" James whispers from beside me, unfortunately we're in the same class, and sit next to each other.
"Mind your own" I whisper harshly just as the teacher enters
"Well class, we're going to start a project today on the history of Canada under British rule. I've paired you up, no repeats of last time I let you pair up yourselves" I know she's looking at me and Court' at this point, last project we did together didn't exactly reach my A grade usual work..."Come and check who you're paired up with" she announces, posting a sheet on the board.

I sigh and stroll over to the list, patiently waiting for my classmates to move but they sweetly step aside for me. 'Queen B' as people call me, rocks. I scroll down the list until I find my name....
Penelope - Steven
Penny - Courtney
Riley - James
"You've got to be kidding me" I exclaim turning to Courtney, who's beside me
"Talk to Miss Ri?" She says, heading over to her partner
"Miss Paige...about my partner, can't I switch? James and I don't work well together..." I try explain but she shakes her head at me
"Nonsense Riley, I saw how you were on his first week here, and you're not switching. End of" she announces, going back to some paperwork on her desk
"Great" I groan under my breath, walking over to James who hasn't moved since I got up.
"Riles, be a babe and check who I'm with?" He smirks at me, trying to wind me up
"Do not call me babe, got it? And no need to look" I say through gritted teeth
"Why's that" he asks, leaning closer to me
"Because we're flaming paired and Miss won't let me switch" I glare at him, moving away

James POV
Riley has me searching text books while she takes notes from her phone, using for research obviously. We're the only silent ones in the room, but the tension between us is insane.
"Ri?" I finally ask
"What?" She groans, refusing to look up from her work
"I saw what happened this morning" I explain, making her freeze and look up
"I have no idea what you're talking about" she says after a few seconds of silence, turning back to her notes
"Riley, don't let them force you. I don't know if this is because if the breakup but...You know how bad that stuff is for you-" I begin quietly but she cuts me off
"Don't flaming lecture me okay? I know what that stuff does to you! If you really think I'm going to screw up my life, let alone dance career, by doing stuff like that just because we broke up you're bloody deluded!" She whisper yells, glaring at me before staring into her phone, clearly trying to hold back tears.
"You're really hot when you're mad Riles" I smirk but she ignores me
"It's why I teased you so much when we dated, I mean you're already smoking hot, but when you're mad you get sassy. It's really hot" I compliment, and she blushes before shaking her head, trying to ignore me
"I know you were uncomfortable with them Riley, we were never like that" I say, getting closer until I'm inches from her ear
"Shut up" she whispers "we're done James. Move on!"
"Doesn't mean I'm done loving you" I whisper, moving a strand of hair from her face, looking into her eyes. I God damn want to kiss her right here and now. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't still love me?" I finish, keeping our eye contact.
"I...I..." She stutters, before jumping up and heading out of the room.
I know she's crying out there, because I know she still loves me. I'm going to get her back!

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