Chapter 25

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Riley's POV
I wake up in James' bed in a pair of sleep shorts and a shirt, memories of last night seeming more like a dream... Except I have the sand covered clothes to prove it was real. I roll over and cuddle into James' chest, noticing he's awake.
"What time is it?" I mumble into his bare chest as he strokes my hair, wrapping his other arm around me.
"6.15 baby" he soothes in his sexy morning voice
"We have school in 2 hours don't we?" I groan opening my eyes to look up at him
"Afraid so babe" he chuckles kissing the top of my head
"I wanna stay in bed with you all day" I mumble subconsciously
"Oh really" James smirks, raising an eyebrow at me
"Didn't mean to say that" I giggle, burning my face in his chest
"You're so cute Riles" he chuckles again, lifting my chin with his index finger, making eye contact before leaning in and kissing me gently, while pulling me on top of him.
"Jaames I need to get up" I moan while grinning at him, laying on top of him face down.
"Nah you're already perfect" he grins back, wrapping his arms around me, making me straddle him so he can kiss me again.
Except this time it's more heated, my hands move from against his chest to behind his neck, as he rubs my thighs and grabs my butt, making me moan, as usual so he can slip his tongue in my mouth and play with my sweet spot.
"James-oh I didn't need to see this!" Jess, James' 15 year old sister squeals as she walks in on us, walking back out.
"Knock next time Jess" James yells, before sticking his tongue back into my mouth and groping my butt
"I love you" I whisper, pulling away briefly to breath
"I love you more, especially your sexy little ass" he chuckles, slapping it making me roll my eyes.
"Can I get up now James? I don't need your younger sisters walking in on us again" I giggle, but he grabs me and starts to tickle me.
"Only if I can shower with you" he whispers and I nod, picking up my phone from across James and trying to pull him out of bed.
"Okay why do I have 6 missed calls from Charlie?" I ask confused, still tugging on James arm to get him out of bed, without success. "Right I'm going to shower, stay in bed for all I care" I fake being upset, going to leave the room when I'm scooped up by James as he runs to his bathroom, locking the door and pulling my clothes off.
"James it's a shower, not sex" I laugh but he just smirks
"Both ways I get to see my incredibly sexy girlfriend naked" he chuckles, pulling me into the shower with him.
James POV
I walk into school, with my girl next to me, my arm around her as she looks perfect as always. Everyone stares at us as usual, except today's different. People are looking at us differently, gawking at Riley while some of the girls give her dirty looks. I just hold her closer until I hear Courtney shriek
"Uh what's going on?" Riley questions, looking slightly afraid of everyone's looks
"This got sent out to everyone except us this morning. Charlie found out when he over hear half the guys on the team babbling about it" Lillian sighs, handing Riley and I her phone.
There's a picture of Riley and I in the ocean yesterday, making out, Riley's bikini top in the water next to us. Thankfully Riley's body is covered due to being pushed against mine, but I can't believe someone would do this to my girl.
"You okay babe?" I ask Riley, who's shaking slightly, her mouth open.
"W-what? Yeah I'm fine" she stutters then suddenly smiles "not sure what the big deal is baby, I don't see why it's so surprising to people that we have a sex life James"
"She's right, y'all a bunch of hypocrites" Lillian yells at everyone
"Yeah, look in the mirror some time people" Courtney adds as I walk Riley to first period
"We all know you spend enough time looking in it already Courtney" someone jeers, I think it's Liam?
I turn to give him a look, but instead see Courtney give him the middle finger before following Ash away, who rubs her back?

I sit next to Riley in my usual seat for history, arm around her glaring at anyone that dares give my baby a dirty look. So Riley had a reputation as a good girl when she started here, people change and she's no freshman anymore.
I kiss her cheek and stare at her lovingly while she writes out notes for her test next lesson
"It's rude to stare" she giggles, pecking my lips when the teacher isn't looking
"Even when the girl I'm staring is the most beautiful girl in the world?" I try but she rolls her eyes at me, blushing
"So cheesy" she mutters
"That's why you love me babe" I whisper in her ear, kissing her temple "you handled the picture situation well babe, I'm proud"
"I don't mind it, it's an invasion of privacy sure, and if I found out who sent it I'll wring their neck, but I think the picture is sweet. It shows everyone I'm yours, you're mine, and we're completely comfortable around each other" she explains, looking up and smiling at me .
"All mine" I whisper placing one hand on her cheek and leaning in, kissing her.
It wasn't inappropriate, just gentle but passionate. However we pull apart when we hear our teacher shout at us
"James Riley you may be dating but NO PDA OR YOULL GET DETENTION! MAKE OUT ON YOUR OWN TIME"
"You're worth it" I chuckle to Riley, leaning in to kiss her again but instead I kiss her cheek as she turns back to her work.
"Later James" she giggles......

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