Chapter 15

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Riley POV
After a long day of James trying to remind me he loves me through out school, staring at me at dance and Levi only using me for a sloppy makeout I finally get home. I check my phone, 9.20pm. James offered to drive me from dance but I thought walking was a better option after everything. I turn my key and am met with the familiar voices of my parents yelling at each other.
"Well what do you want me to do? Quit!"
"I didn't say that! And don't you over dramatise this and blame it on me!"
"Well it's hard when you're nagging me 24/7!"
"Oh please I don't even see you that much!"
"You need to learn to trust me!"
I sigh and turn to go upstairs but notice Em sat there, tears running down her cheeks. She grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs in an attempt to get away from our parents, but it didn't work. This had been happening a lot recently but no one knew apart from Em and I.
"Em we need to get out of here" I sigh, hugging my crying sister "let's go to the studio?" I ask
She just nods and gets her car keys. We sneak out of the house and into her car.
The drive to the studio is silent, slightly awkward but we don't want to talk about what's happening at home.

We get to studio A and thankfully it's empty, we used the spare key to get in because Kate trusts us. Emily can't dance for a while because of her knee injury and so she decides to go for a walk, leaving me to my thoughts.
I head over to the music dock and pull up my music, playing 'Family Portrait' by P!nk, seeing at it fits my situation perfectly. All the arguments lately, pulling our family apart.
I spend the next 5 minutes free styling, bits of hiphop, contemporary, ballet and jazz, just moving to the music and letting my body move.
It's not until I finish I realise I'm crying. I sit down, hugging my knees to my chest and cry, rocking myself slightly, like I did when I broke up with James two years ago after he kissed Beth and lied about it.

I just wish I could go to James right now. He was always so good at calming me down and making me feel loved, he would hold me tight and trace shapes in my back until I stopped crying, he would sit and listen to my pointless dramas over again. I miss James more than ever. I need him right now, but I can't go to him. We're over, end of.

I turn to collect my things when 'You Are The Music In Me' -HSM2 begins to play....
*Flash back*
We were having a party at the studio to celebrate our win at Internationals and we're just dancing, hanging and messing around. When suddenly Chloe, who came back to congratulate us, ran over to the dock and put on one of the songs from High School Musical 2, You Are The Music In Me. The girls dissolved into fits of giggles, while the boys looked confused.
Then suddenly James comes over to me and scoops me up in his arms, beginning to slow dance. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck, just staring into his eyes, smiling at each other. We were so in love. I waited for him to kiss me, but then when the beat picked up he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, spinning me around like when he first found out internationals was in Miami, while I just squealed and giggled.
Everyone 'aww'ed' us and there was a few chants of 'Jiley'
He then set me down smirking and pulled me in for what we all knew was going to be a passionate makeout session.
"I love you, so much" he smiled at me when he pulled back
"I love you too" I smiled back, hugging him but instead he kissed me again
*End of Flashback*

I pull my phone out of the dock just as Emily comes back into the studio, ready to drive home because it was gone 10, which meant trouble...

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