Chapter 7

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James POV
I wait outside the cafeteria for 5 minutes like Ash suggested and think of how this conversation is going to go down. She needs to know that the other girls were just joking around, Riley's the only girl I'm truly interested in.
I finally get enough confidence to walk into the crowded cafeteria, girls drooling, boys looking confused but respectful, maybe slightly afraid. They move out of my way as I walk towards the table Riley is usually sat at. But she's not there. Neither are Courtney or Charlie.
"Where's Riley? I need to talk to her" I ask Ash, my voice full of meaning, but I hear a sarcastic laugh behind me. Lilian.
"What do you care where Ri is? Run off back to your little girl friends" she scoffs at me, her face expressionless.
"Lillian, listen-" I start but I'm cut off my Lillian jumping up from her chair and coming face to face with me.
"No honey. You listen to me okay. You know the nice part of town? You keep walking and you get to The Heights, that's where I'm from. And you know what happens there? Bad things. Peoples disappear or get hurt. If me, my sisters or my ma wants someone gone my pappi, tio or hermano get it done. Alright? You hurt my girl Riley again you better watch your back" she says, her Hispanic accent becoming clear as she threatens me. I just gulp and nod as she looks deep into my eyes and struts back to her chair.
"I think he gets it Lil, thank you" I hear from behind me, Riley. She smiles at her best friend before turning to me, Charlie and Courtney a few steps behind her.
"Ri, baby I'm sorry, can we talk?" I beg her, grabbing her hands and trying to look in her eyes.
"Fine" she whispers, looking at our hands, then leading me back into a corridor.

"Riles, you know you're the only girl I want. For a few minutes I forgot who I was, I became caught up and old player James appeared, baby I love you. Only you" I start, looking into her eyes, seeing the hurt within them. The hurt I caused.
She just remains silent for a little while before sighing.
"James I know you say you love me. But I hardly see you James, and you with those girls... I feel like I don't matter to you anymore" she whimpers, on the verge of tears.
"Shhh baby, shhh" I comfort, pulling her close to me "I'm sorry Ri, you don't deserve this. I love you baby, forgive me" I whisper in her ear, leaning in to kiss her.
Riley melts into the kiss before pulling back.
"You should go to practise, the game is tomorrow" she smiles slightly.

Riley's POV
I watch James head off to the locker room, turning to give me his goofy smile before dashing through the door. I jog back to the cafeteria to find all of the boys, except Charlie gone to practise. Of course he would wait to make sure I was okay.
"Charlie, can I ask you a favour?" I whisper and motion him over to me.
"Sure Ri, what's up?" He asks full of concern.
"Keep an eye on James for me?" I sigh slowly, looking up at Charlie who just smiles.
"Of course". He pats my shoulder like at the studio this morning before going off to practise.
It's the night of the game and Courtney convinced me to perform with her and he other cheerleaders. Obviously I agreed because I love to move and dance, as well as support my boyfriend. Although he's not fully forgiven for yesterday.
I pace back and forth in my cheer uniform, short pleated skirt and tight vest like top, both in the school colours, looking out for James. Charlie's watching me from where he's talking to Lilian. I head over to Courtney to get her to check my hair when I notice a familiar goofy laugh and "don't even worry about it". I spin round to see James, with two of the girls from yesterday, joking around and flirting again. I furrow my brow and sigh in anger. I'm beginning to become frustrated with his attitude lately.
"Oh no he isn't" I hear from beside me, Courtney
"Doesn't even know I can see him, I swear" I groan shaking my head.
"Want me to do some thing Ri?" She questions looking at me
"Nah I got this one covered" I say nodding to Lil and Charlie
They walk behind James and just scoff to get his attention and let him know he's been seen. He looks confused then quickly turns and scans the field, his gaze landing on me. But instead of storming over I just roll my eyes and turn my back to him.
"Nice one, discreet" Courtney comments, making me smile. "Crap Ri he's headed this way"
"Don't worry Court" I smile, looking at Charlie, who's positioned by the cheerleaders boom box pressing play.
Our cue music plays just as James reaches me, he tries to grab my hand but I pull away from him and take my position just as 'Ego'  by the Saturdays begins to play.
This was Lil's idea, to show James how I feel about him being this way.
Ash and Tom look at me as we start, giving me a look to hold back on James.
I guess I should, not for me, but this could knock him off his game and I want the team to win. I'll do it for my fellow students.

As the song finishes, I make my way over to James, who looks surprised and a little hurt. I place his hands on my hips and my hands around his neck, closing the space between us.
"Riles I swear I was telling them to back off" he starts but I cut him off by kissing him quickly.
"Win this game and I forgive you, you might even get a reward for it" I smile at him, raising my eyebrow slightly. Which he just smirks at, pulling me in for another kiss.
We made out in front of everyone for about 5 minutes, but pull away when coach shouts at James to get ready for the start of the game. He kisses my forehead before running to join his team.
This game should be interesting.....

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