I Am Aware That I Am A Dick

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Johnnie's POV~

"So, where to today?" Tyler asks, putting on his shoes. "It's wherever I guess. Johnnie's the reason we're here so I think it's only fair he chooses where we go or what we do," Drake answers as he slides his shirt on. "Well I need some coffee or a Peace Tea or something because I'm super tired. I didn't sleep to well last night. But after that I guess we could maybe go back to Disney and maybe spend the day there. I mean, we were only there for three hours yesterday."

"Alright," Tyler sighs, "I'll go let the girls know." he grabs the keys to the room from the corner of the bed and leaves. "So, how was the floor?" Drake asks. I was supposedly sleeping on a pallet the guys made on the floor, but then the whole thing with Alex happened so when I got back I just rolled around in it (literally) until I thought it looked messy enough then I kinda sorta fell asleep. ANYWAYS, "Uh, I woke up with a major headache but, all is good as of right now." I shrug, packing my bag, "So, uh," I try to change the subject, "Where are we staying tonight?"

"We'll probably just go to another hotel. I can't stand the idea of staying in the same one for two nights, we need to explore more than that." Drake smirks.

"So staying at two different hotels in one of the most famous cities in the world is exploring? Dude, I say we check out some abandon places or something." I grin. Drake looks at me in disbelief, "Dude. We aren't those edgy, adventurous YouTubers like VeeOneEye and Chris Ryan. We're the preppy, scene ones that care way too much about their hair." he chuckles.

"Well, I mean. It's been awhile since I've made a video for my channel. Come on dude, let's just do it. We're only going to have the chance to do this once."

"Whatever. I'll have to talk to Tyler. I'm gonna go take a piss first, though." he says before disappearing into the bathroom. I continue to pack but I only manage to get two T-shirts folded and into my bag before my phone starts ringing. Bryan. Oh. Shit. I roll my eyes, mulling over whether or not I should pick up. Finally, I do, "What?"

"Dude, where have you been? The fans hated my video without you in it!" he yells. I'm kind of shocked at first. Shocked that he isn't asking if I'm okay, where I am, how am I doing. All he cares about. Is this video. Not me, "I'm staying with a friend for the week."


"I needed a break from you, I'm getting tired of your shit."

"Does this have to do with the Johlex thing?" he smirks, "Okay, you're literally a spoiled little piece of crap, you know that? YOU'RE INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, AND YOUTUBE FAMOUS AND YOU'RE WORRYING ABOUT THIS MOTHER FUCKING SHIP!? Damn, Johnnie! I got you this famous, I shelter you, I'm there for you when your dad isn't. What is wrong with you! Everything is about you! Johnnie, Johnnie, Johnnie! There's always some big, dramatic deal with you!"

"No Bryan! You're not! You're not my dad, you're not why I'm famous, and you're not worth anything to me! I'm so tired of you treating me like shit! Like I can't take care of myself, and like I can't do anything right!" Right when I think I'm done, I remember what Alex said a few nights ago, "I don't need you Bryan. You think I need you and I'd be lost without you? No. I'm fine without you, I do not need you! I'll be perfectly fine without you! And if I'm such an attention-whore, why don't you pack your bags, and get the fuck out of my life? Because I've been stepped on, punched, and kicked around by you long enough, and this is it! This is me writing you out of my life, your ticket out, your boot-to-the-ass Bryan, get the fuck out!" I scream. He's quiet for what feels like forever. So quiet, I start to wonder if he has the phone and mute while he laughs his ass off. Then I hear him sigh and say, "Dude, this is a joke." I roll my eyes as I feel the need to punch something. "Are you kidding?" I grunt. "Dude, I was just kidding." he laughs. I listen to his laughter as I pace the room, trying to calm myself down. Once I'm calm I can't help but chuckle at how I'd overreacted, "Screw you, Bryan." and it feels kind of good as I start to laugh at my over-the-top reaction with him. "Wait, but Johnnie," he chuckles after a while of laughing, "were you being serious about what you said? About me treating you like you can't do anything on your own?" I take a deep breath and try to think over most of what I said. I could go two ways here, A) tell the truth, that I meant it, and hope it fixes things

B) don't say anything because I know if I tell the truth, there's a 75% chance he'll hate me. "Uh, Johnnie?" he snaps me into it. "Oh, uh..." I bite my lip and figure, fuck it, "Yeah. I did. I mean, I said it pretty harshly so don't take it the wrong way. It's just you tend to make me feel like if I were to try to make it on my own, I'd fail and fall apart."

"Dude," he says calmly, "I am a aware that I am a dick. I really don't care, about all of that shit. Just kidding, but seriously, I knew I was a dick. But not like this. Johnnie, dude, I seriously never meant for it to come off that way. Really. I mean, I have a harsh sense of humor but, that's not right man. You really are a nice, funny, cool dude and I think you'd be fine without me, I feel so bad that this happened."

"Nah man, it's cool." I grin. It feels so good to have everything cleared up, like this huge weight as been lifted off my shoulders. "So we're cool now?" Bryan asks. "Yeah dude, we're cool."

"The important kids are here!" Octavia yells as her, the rest of the girls and Tyler enter. Drake comes out of the bathroom and grins, "Cool. Where we going Johnnie?"

"Gotta go." I mumble. I hang up before he can respond and turn to them, "I thought we decided Disney."

"Nah," Drake smiles, "Let's go explore some creepy, abandon stuff." He glances at me and grins. I smile back and chuckle as I see Alex jogging my way. "Sounds legit." Octavia laughs. Alex wraps her arms around my waist and I plant a kiss on top of her head, grabbing Tyler and I's bags off the floor. I toss Tyler his bag and Alex and I follow them out of the room, arm in arm. "Everything cool?" she smiles up at me as we wait for the elevator. Everything cool? Let me see... I'm dating my dream girl, I made up with my best friend, I'm going exploring with some of the raddest people (and I know we're going to get into some crazy shit), and the hole my dad left in me feels completely gone. Everything cool? "Everything is perfect." I finally allow. She smiles and kisses and collarbone. Everything is perfect. Everything is- oh, shit. My mom.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had a bad case of writers block- that was until I decided to inbox a special fellow and honestly, I probably wouldn't have updated if it weren't for him so, NathanaelBateman is probably the coolest human ever because he helped me out big-time with this chapter. Anywhore, I have nothing else to say other than Nathanael is awesomesause, stay rad, and I'll see ya next time ♥♥♥

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