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Johnnie's POV~

"Are you serious?" I raise a brow at Bryan, disbelief in my throat. He just grins and nods, his hands on his hips, "I'm not joking, Johnnie. You guys have been together for two years now and me and Alex already talked about it."

"This is insane, wh-when?" I scoff, tears stinging my eyes.

"Well, our plane leaves tomorrow and we'll be staying for about three days so, we'll be back Friday, I guess?" he raises a brow, fake thinking. I cover my face as I feel it heating up. Two years. Two years, I've been with her. Twelve plane rides to get to see her. Twenty four painful, stung throated goodbyes. It's all over now. No more wondering if she's meeting someone in her town. No more worrying that she'll forget how special we are. No more agonizing plane rides. Finally, I'll be able to fall asleep with her in my arms every night. Finally, I'll be able to wake up next to her. Finally, I'll be able to cook for her and take her places, and show her around. Finally, I won't have to stare at her Instagram and wish to god that I was there with her. Finally, she will be mine every day of the week and all hours of every night. This is so new, so unexpected. I never even thought this was going to happen but, here it is. The next part, the next chapter, the next level. This is Have No Fear.

This Is Me Without You→Johlex FanficWhere stories live. Discover now