A Day Like Any Other

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Sinon ran through the cave... her breaths ragged, her eyes darting left and right as she carried the Silent Assassin Rifle with her..

Those looking at her blue hair and strange clothes, would have thought that she was currently in a heated pvp match in GGO.. but this was not the case.

"Twinkle Twinkle Asada... watch me kill your Misaka..."

Thevos's voice sang in the darkness..

"Up above the world so high.. I might drop her so she'll die.."

Thevos's echoing laughs reverberated throughout the cave

"How do you like that song!?" Thevos said. "I made it up myself, really speaks to my inner child. By the way, did you ever hear about the time my inner child ate my conscience with a side of inner pork chops? My inner child said the guy tasted like cartoon crickets from a Disney movie.. well however he tasted, I'm glad the guy snuffed it.. he was so annoying."

Sinon cocked her gun and aimed it around her. "Shut up!! Where's Mikoto!? Where's my Imouto-chan you bastard!?"

"So you're going to tell me to shut up, then demand I tell you something?" said Thevos. "Seriously, who taught you how to speak? I want to give him or her a consolation prize for failure."

"WHERE IS SHE!!!?" Sinon screamed.

"You know, you're not really in a position to threaten me and make demands if you can't even see where I am." said Thevos. "You might as well aim that silly stick at a poptart and demand it give you orange juice."

"I'M NOT PLAYING GAMES HERE!!" Sinon roared. "I've got two plasma grenades and I WILL let them off in here!!"

"Kinda reminds me of two kids the Integrity Knights caught." said Thevos. "One was drinking and Electric slime class monster, and the other was eating fireworks. They Charged one and let the other one Off.."

Sinon whirled her gun around and fired rounds at the direction of Thevos's voice.

"Oh.. missed.. though I'm not sure you were aiming for me with that poor shot." said Thevos. "That does remind me of that one Game Master from GGO they found eating guns at a weapon's depot. They Fired him."

Sinon gripped her gun tightly, backing around the cave, cold sweat pouring down her face. As she backed away, slowly behind her, Thevos's pointed masked head with it's glowing red eye emerged from the shadows of the ceiling upside-down.

"Watch out! Telemarketers!!"

Sinon whirled around and blasted Thevos's head apart.. in an instant, Thevos's Zant Helm repaired itself, and the large red eye emerged from the darkness of the mask as Thevos turned right-side up and levitated down, wielding his massive sword.

"Seriously! I'd do the same to any Telemarketer, but that's just rude considering that's the 5th time you've blasted my head off." said Thevos. "I've always been weird for a Viros you know.. what with the funny regenerative powers I have.."

Sinon's eyes filled with tears of anger as she took out a plasma grenade. "I'm going to drop this right here.. even you can't regenerate if there's nothing left of you.."

"Well actually, I left a little surprise in the Men's room at the Sword Academy, but do go on." said Thevos. "And about your little cousin or whatever, how do you know I haven't just killed her already?"

"YOU HAVEN'T KILLED HER!!!" Sinon screamed tearfully. "YOU CAN'T HAVE!! NO!!!"

Sinon fired off repeated shots.. as Thevos twirled around, waving his blade in a floppy fashion, like a rag doll, using his frightening and disorienting fighting style to deflect Sinon's bullets.

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now