God's Right Seat

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On the left is Mikoto's avatar from SAO while on the right is Mikoto's ALO avatar.

"BOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!" A powerful wind tore through the lab as Vento of the Front stepped into the room, grinning, the crucifix on the chain hanging from her tongue swinging around fearlessly, sending out massive wind around her, hurling back the scientists, guards and programmers.

"Who wants to die today!?" said Vento, pulling out a large spiked hammer and whirling it around, bludgeons of wind spiraling out from unpredictable areas, smashing guards into the ground..

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Kikuoka yelled at Fiamma as he stood by. "Do you know what this place is!? If you compromise the machinery, three lives are going to be at stake!!"

"We know all about your attempts to repair the brain damage of those threesome." said Fiamma. "However, they are merely 3 people. A war between magic and science would mean thousands in casualties.. we cannot allow VR technology to progress further."

Accelerator gritted his teeth. "Sorry.. but I'm focused in the here and now.. and nobody's hurtin' Sinon on my watch!"

"Your friend Agnese Sanctis was clever." said Vento. "Being a formal member of the Catholic Church, she knew some spells that could render everyone in the base immune to Divine Punishment.. but that doesn't mean fighting me will be a picnic!"

Accelerator and Touma both ran up in front of Kikuoka,

"Asuna!!" said Touma. "Get out of here! We'll handle this!!"

"No!" Asuna drew the Dark Fiber Sword. "I can't leave Kirito-Kun or Biri-chan and Sinon!! The less fighting power we have, the more vulnerable they are.. this machine isn't portable!!"

"That's not the only thing we need to protect." said Nurse Aki, who had ran into the room and was hurriedly checking the health of her patients. "We need to keep the servers for Project Alicization safe, or they'll log out before their brains are repaired and probably die or become permanently injured!"

Asuna gripped the Dark Fiber Sword determinedly. "Then we'll just have to hold the fort here... there's 4 of us and two of them!"

"Speaking of numbers.." said Kikuoka. "Where's Seyat?"

"BOOOOOOMMM!!!" An explosion rendered the room as a powerful tall fit man with a white shirt and jeans, holding a ginormous lance twice the length of his body with a mace-like end shot in and sent a sweeping swipe at Asuna.

"CLASH!!!" Seyat appeared holding a magnificent golden sword, blocking the blow from Acqua of the Back.. one of the members of God's Right Seat.

"Forgive me.." said Seyat as he hammered Acqua back. "But I travelled through the internet quickly to retrieve something a little more potent from Kirito's item storage.."

"The Holy Sword Excalibur!" Asuna said, recognizing the blade.

"An item from a game becoming real." said Acqua. "So the power of the Viros are indeed great."

Seyat moved like the wind.. viciously flashing in and out of view with sudden bursts of speed, hammering against Acqua with Excalibur's golden blade. sparks flying from the fricition of the grinding weapons.

Seyat glided back, as if sliding on air. "Accelerator.. how much time do you have left on that choker?"

"About 3 minutes." growled Accelerator. "Don't have any more batteries left.."

"Here.." Seyat threw Accelerator a new battery pack, which he caught. "Save all the minutes you can, take your friends and escape.. I already have a friend who is taking the remote servers."

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now