The Escape

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"Let me in.." Alice said to the guard.

The man nodded and opened the cell doors.

The 5 prisoners.. Kirito, Eugeo, Sinon, Mikoto, and Yuniko were being held in separate cells.. Kirito and Eugeo in one, Sinon and Mikoto in another, and Yuniko in a heavily guarded cell all to herself.

Alice walked into the cell, where Sinon was cradling the still unconscious Mikoto.

"The cathedral has ordered that I take her." said Alice indifferently to Sinon.

"You can take her when Hell freezes over." Sinon spat.. glaring at Alice.

Alice glared at Sinon. "If you do not unhand her.. I will be forced to take aggressive measures.

"Go ahead." said Sinon. "I'll die before you take her."

Alice thrust out a foot and kicked Sinon into the wall with colossal force, cracking the stone.

Alice picked up Mikoto and slung her over her shoulder. "You criminals can be so aggravating."

"RRRAAHHHHH!!!" Sinon screamed and launched herself at Alice, wrapping her arms around her shoulders from behind, trying to throw her to the ground.

"DAMN YOU!!" Alice roared, easily shaking Sinon off, but not before Sinon grabbed Mikoto and held her tightly in her arms.. curling up on the floor protectively.

"Let go.." Alice growled, drawing her sword.

"Go ahead and cut me.." Sinon growled, only hugging Mikoto tighter. "You'll have to pull her from my cold.. dead.. hands.."

"JUST LET GO!!" Alice growled, kicking Sinon. She began repeatidly kicking Sinon over and over.. Sinon's body soon began to drip blood, and more blood soon dripped out of her mouth.. but she still did not let go..

It went on for 15 minutes.. and still, the bloodied Sinon did not let go..

Alice stopped.. panting and sweating. "What.. kind of stubbornness is in that thick head of yours?"

"Enough.." Sinon gasped.  "Enough to never quit.."

"It would appear so." said Alice, drawing her blade and bringing it to Sinon's neck. "It appears I will have to kill you anyways.."

Right as the sword was about to lop off Sinon's head.. a dark shadowy tendril grabbed the sword and stopped it's stroke..

Dusk phased out of the wall, silently.. shaking his head at Alice.

"Hmmm? You need her alive as well?" said Alice.

Dusk nodded.. and phased back into the wall.

Alice sighed and sheathed her blade. "I'll be back with food... until then.. try and wake her up so she can actually eat.. "

Alice left the cell, calling out to the guard. "Get a medic in there.. before the blue haired one bleeds to death.."

The cell doors shut with a clang.. and for a minute there was silence.. then, Yuniko's voice came from the cell next door. "They gone?"

"I... I think so.." Sinon called out.

"Sounds like they were rough on you." Kirito called out from the cell on the other side. "Are you okay?"

"Barely.." Sinon said. "I'm bleeding. But I'll live."

"It appears as if we're in a pickle alright." said Eugeo. "Who knew that they would turn to such an elaborate setup? Just what is it they want with Mikoto-chan?"

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now