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"Are you there? Yo!! Haru!!"

Haruyuki awoke, sitting at the dining table with his friends.. it seemed as if Kuroyukihime was also just coming to.

"Guys." said Haru. "Y-you would not believe what we just experienced."

"It seems as if the portal connecting us to Misaka-san's time closed." said Chiyu, looking at the data on the laptop. "That's why you two came back.. well.. were you able to find out anything before you came back?"

"Misaka is hurting." said Kuroyukihime. "Her pain now is greater then ever before with the loss of a friend."

Everyone at the table went silent.

"What happened over there?" Taku asked.

"We were in a real war.." Haru said. "And we witnessed a real death.. Misaka-san lost somebody dear to her.. and then she just lost all of her spirit.. I-I don't know if she'll ever recover."

"She will." said Kuroyukihime. "She just needs time, and friends who care for her.. in the meantime there is a matter of far greater importance. We must find out what happened when she and her friends disappeared..."

"And find them?" said Chiyu. "But.. thinking on it.. wouldn't they be like in their 50s right now?"

"I don't believe so." said Kuroyukihime. "And.. I picked up some vital clues as I was in that world.. to where they might be.. and I think we might find them to be still quite around the same age as we are."

Everyone stared at Kuroyukihime.

"Care to explain?" said Akira.

"Has anyone ever heard of New Generation Cryogenic Sleep?" said Kuroyukihime.


In the wilderness.. bandits lay strewn about on the ground.. blood pouring from their bodies.. all of them looking the worse for wear.. their swords broken and shattered.

Ever since the Taboo Index had been rendered ineffective as a program now that Quinella was destroyed.. bandits had been emerging like wildfire all around the Human Empire. Humans who were reveling in their newfound abilities to go break the law without the ERROR program stopping them.

But... one group of bandits had the particular misfortune of running into a two people who had just logged into the Underworld..

A thin figure in a white jacket that had a hood with ear-like structures on it.. walked over the one surviving member of the bandits who had attacked him.

"You're.. you're a demon.." the bandit coughed. "You're some kind of monster..."

"Well.." said Accelerator , removing his hood. "Depends on your definition of 'monster'..  Asuna, they're done!"

Asuna peeked out from behind a tree, she was in a fancy armor set that was graceful, sleeveless and had elegant faulds. "Seriously Accelerator.. you could be much less.. brutal.."

"If I had let up.. one of em would have killed you at some point." said Accelerator. "Interesting.. it's as if my powers are completely unleashed in this world."

"Well, you don't have the same handicaps that you did IRL." said Asuna, pointing at Accelerator's neck in reference to the electrode choker that was no longer there. "Just try not to go overboard and cause a super massacre.. This blood.. is nauseating.."

"Damn you're such a bleeding heart." Accelerator spat. "By the time Kamijou finds his way in here, you're going to be slappin' me silly for killing a squirrel."

"Let's not forget the main point here." said Asuna. "We're going to find you.. Kirito.. Mikoto.."

"Sinon.." Accelerator murmured.

"RAAAHHH!!!" The surviving bandit suddenly lunged to his feet stabbing a poisoned knife at Accelerator's back.

The knife merely bounced off the moment it reached around 2 inches from Accelerator however.. and he turned around, grinning maliciously. "Ehhhhh? Trying to make mince meat out of me?"

"Accelerator!" Asuna growled.

"Fine.." Accelerator rolled his eyes. "I'll knock him out!!"


"Then I'll kill him.."



End of Epilogue: Stay tuned for Book 6

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now