The Trap

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Sinon peered quietly through her scope at the caves littering the mountains before them. "Feels like we were just here yesterday.. looking for Alice's sister."

"Yeah." said Eugeo. "So.. see anything?"

"Nothing definite." said Sinon. "Maybe a few goblins, but they're no threat.. they probably won't travel far, Integrity Knights patrol this part of the mountains quite often. Probably don't want to cross them. Technically we haven't broken the Taboo Index, because we were 'kidnapped'. But if they spot Yuniko.."

"They don't know it's Yuniko." said Eugeo. "They think it's La Roboto Bandito.. or something, I forget."

Eugeo and Sinon had split off to the east while Kirito and Yuniko covered a few hundred meters ahead, hiding in brush.

They had made good time, getting to the mountains in only 2 days instead of 3.. perhaps it was because of their determination to save Mikoto... perhaps it was because Sinon was furious at whoever would dare try it.. in any case, they were a day ahead, and that meant they were allowed to take more caution.

Sinon sighed. "Well.. nothing for it.. better just take out the squealers that might give us away.."

Sinon fired the Silent Assassin several times. "One...two... three.."

Three goblins fell on Sinon's count.

As soon as the goblins fell.. Kirito dashed into the woods towards the mountain passage entrance, with Yuniko clinging to his back.

Shouldered her gun and nodded at Eugeo. "Come on bud, let's go right in..."

They followed Kirito and Yuniko deep into the caves.. for a while, the echoing dark round tunnels yielded nothing.. then.. they came across a split in the tunnel, splitting into at least 15 tunnels

"How are we going to search all of these!?" Sinon said.

"Well.." Tempo mused. "I would ask Nox for an opinion.. before she became a rogue, she was an excellent tracker.. sadly, Nox's mind is connected to Mikoto.. so if she is unconscious... then so is Nox.."

"Well, there's one thing we could try." said Kirito. "These caves seem to have a very good echo. We could listen into each tunnel and see if there's certain sounds that will suggest somebody is down in that direction.. like voices."

"Sounds good to me.." said Eugeo. "Alright.. let's start listening in.."

And so they all split off and began cupping their hands to their ears.. listening into the tunnels. Finally Sinon heard whispered voices coming from the center tunnel. "Hey guys! I've got something... voices."

"The army... invasion..." The voices were so soft that the group was barely able to hear those three words.

"Alright.." Kirito drew his sword. "Keep sharp.. hey Sinon. The Silent Assassin's scope has night vision right?"

"Yeah, I'll switch to it quick." said Sinon.

For 15 minutes.. they seemed to sneak around through absolute darkness. And Sinon was the only one whose vision was able to see through the darkness, using the night vision on her scope to direct her friends with a hushed voice... finally.. they came to a light..

They peeked over the edge of the cave exit.. and saw a massive chamber of stone.. covered in sparkling rock..

"That sparkling stuff.." whispered Kirito. "We'll collect that, that's the antidote.."

"Shhh.." Eugeo put a finger to his lips. "Look down there."

A tall black figure, with a slender body seemingly made of a shadow with long arms.. swirling around on it's shoulders was a simple white featureless mask with two slits for eyeholes..

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now