Sinon's Trial.

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"Where... where... am I?" Sinon moaned and stood up awkwardly. She found herself in a dark dungeon.. water was dripping all over the place.. Strange freaky drawings were scribbled all over the walls of the dungeon.. as if drawn by somebody from the Slenderman game.

They all depicted people wielding guns.. and a small girl cowering in fear.

"What is this place?" Sinon muttered.

She felt her back and sides.. she couldn't find her gun..  she then heard a voice call her.

"Come.. come Sinon.. we're waiting for you... waiting for you.."

Sinon blinked, and looked out the bars of her dungeon cell..

Majora's Sniper was lying there.. the eyes on the mask design on the but of the gun glowed.. as well as the strange eyes all over the gun.

"We're waiting Sinon.." the voices sounded like whispering children.. giggling. "Teehee.. come on Sinon.. come on.."

Sinon's first thought was 'oh no.. I'm in Sinister 2...'

Her second thought however, was that she had absolutely no other choice but to 'come to it' as the gun was so terrifyingly putting it.

Sinon found the bars were brittle, easily broke them with her bare hands and climbed out.. grabbing the gun.. she couldn't help but notice that the strange dungeon had a bit of an aura to it.. that made it seem similar to a Zelda game she had played years ago on an old Wii that she bought from a Used Game store. 

"I swear if I turn into a wolf.. I will freak." Sinon muttered as she shouldered her gun.. which so far, hadn't tried to suck out her soul as far as she could tell.

Sinon walked through the dungeon.. the drawings on the walls getting more and more frightening as she walked through..

The frightened girl kept on appearing in all the drawings.. crying as the guns around her were held closer and closer... blood poured out of the eyes of the people holding the guns..

For a preschool drawing level.. these depictions were down right gruesome.

But what was most frightening about these drawings was how familiar they were.

"Mikoto? Kirito? Eugeo?" Sinon called out. "Yuniko? Yuuki?"

Her voice echoed down the halls.

"Whhoooooooo..." said another voice that belonged to neither of those people. "You're being haunted by car salesmen!! Whooooooo!! Buy the Mazda or suffer!! WHOOOOOOO!!! Hahaha! I hate car salesmen."

Sinon's eyes went wide with rage and fear as she aimed her gun at the figure standing in the hall. "YOU!!!"

(see picture above)

There was Thevos. Only this time his appearance was different. His one eye was bright blue, and his Zant Armor had a front covered in interlocking bladed discs. His left sleeve had a chain hanging out with a lantern attached that was emitting blue flames. His right sleeve had a large wing made of long interlocking sword blades sliding out of the side of the arm.

"Like my new look?" said Thevos. "I've been making alterations to the outfit! Gives me more of a super modern slash fantasy look.. yeah?"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your head off!! Sinon roared.

"Well.. firstly.. you want to know where you are.." said Thevos.

Sinon waited. "And...?"

"Nothing else.. that's it." said Thevos. "Wow!! Heh.. not many reasons needed.

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now