Mikoto V.S. Alice

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Sorry for the Slow Updates recently.. been bingeing on Akame Ga Kill and Monster Hunters 4 Ultimate.. firstly.. I love the whole twist where for once the story doesn't ship the two main characters together.. and secondly.. Mine is now one of my fav Tsunderes out there XD (She'll never be Mikoto though.. )

The prison in Zattaria near the Sword Academy was in an uproar.. or at least it was.. until over 90 percent of it's guards found themselves assaulted by flocks and flocks of crows.

"No.. NO NO!!" One guard yelled as he attempted to escape the massive murder of black birds overtook him and swarmed him like a black cloud.. pecking away at his flesh until only bones remained.. taking only seconds..

Sterben stepped over the bones.. his mask gushing out smoke as his black Estoc appeared in a shimmer. He felt his hip.. realizing that his gun wasn't there.. of course.. they had taken it..

"What a bother." Sterben said. "I guess I'm going to have to search for some new long range.."

"Don't be so down on yourself over a gun XaXa.." Johny Black said, walking out.. wiping the blade of his knife with a dirty cloth. "Took you months just to charge up enough of your strange power to overcome the restrictive programming of those bonds.. we should just be glad of our freedom.. "

"Where's PoH gone to?" said Sterben. "If he doesn't mind.. I think I'll go on a killing spree."

"He's doing his own thing." said Black. "But.. I find it strange we haven't run into any Integrity Knights by now.."

Sterben chuckled. "Whatever.. less trouble for us.. or.."

'You're going to take a stroll in the Cathedral aren't you?" said Johny Black.

"What can I say?" said Sterben. "I always wanted to kill an Integrity Knight."


Alice and  Mikoto circled each other for a moment..

"Well.." said Alice. "Come at me Criminal.. What are you waiting for?"

"That." said Mikoto pointing behind Alice.

"What?" Alice almost turned to look at what Mikoto pointed to, right before Mikoto lunged forward, and the Master Sword's blade clashed with the Fragrant Olive Sword's blade.

Alice gritted her teeth and knocked Mikoto's blade back. "Using dirty tactics won't work on me!"

"Nice to know!" said Mikoto with a grin. "That'll make this more fun!"

"Fun?" said Alice coldly. "You are one strange criminal."

Alice struck back with a few vicious blows of her own. As Mikoto blocked Alice's blade.. she began to do just as she did with Hei-Long.. getting a feel for Alice's dance and style and fighting in tune with it..

From what she could devise.. Alice was at least as skilled as Yuuki, which was a real problem considering Mikoto had never been able to beat Yuuki in a fair fight.

But Mikoto had also grown more skilled after 2 years in the Underworld, honing her skills. She and Alice clashed and struck.. webs of steel flashing around them as they slashed and hacked  through the courtyard.

Mikoto lunged forward, deciding to try a little something different, activating a powerful Vorpal Strike, aiming at Alice's chest. Alice parried the strike easily, only to find as she knocked Mikoto's blade aside, that Mikoto was already flipping back, aiming a powerful uppercut kick at her jaw.

Alice was thrown back by the force of the kick , and as she used a hand to wipe  the blood from her jaw. "Your style is like that of a brute."

"Really? I always figured it was more like a hippo on ice.." said Mikoto. "First it spins.. then it's entire body weight smashes down on you and you fall through the ice! Boom!"

Railgun Online, Book 5. Alicization RunningWhere stories live. Discover now