Chapter 33

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When I woke up, I was in my bed.

My eyes hurt from crying so much and my face was all stiff and had tear tracks.

Kian must have carried me in from the car when we got home.

I sighed and turned over on my side, cuddling with my pillow.

I laid in bed, thinking about everything and nothing until my hunger overtook me and I got up.

Checking my phone, I saw it was 5:23.

When I went to the mirror, I made a face at myself and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I didn't feel like doing anything else to attempt to make myself look better, so I just left and went downstairs to get some food.

Although when I rounded the corner, I bumped into Trevor.

"Oh, hey Trevor." I said, wiping my eyes to try and make them look less puffy.

"Hey Jordyn. You ok?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I guess, kinda. Not really." I stuttered.

"Whats wrong?" Trevor looked at me.

"Kian and I just took Perrie to the airport because she had to go home." I told him.

"Oh, Jordyn. I'm really sorry." He said, and pulled me into a hug.

I took a deep breathe, trying not to cry again.

Patting his back, I quickly pulled away.

"Thanks Trevor." I was so awkward with stuff like this.

And by stuff like this, I mean contact with other humans.

"You know what helps me when I'm sad." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Pizza!" He cheered.

I giggled slightly.

"True." I said.

"And I know for a fact that Kian and Jc ordered a pizza. So lets go steal it." Trevor wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed slightly and wiped my face.

"Ok, lets go." I said.

Trevor and I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Sitting on the counter, was a box of pizza with no one around.

There was only like two pieces of the pizza gone, so Trevor grabbed the box and we ran back out of the kitchen up to my room.

I turned Netflix and turned on Vampire Diaries.

We watched some episodes and ate the pizza.


I jumped and fell off the bed.

"Shit." I yelled, from the ground next to my bed.

Trevor was laughing at me

My door burst open and in came Kian and Jc.

"I knew it." Jc said.

"Jordyn! Trevor! You guys ate our pizza!" Kian said.

"Sorry." Trevor managed between laughs.

I just stayed laying on the ground where I landed and didn't say anything.

"Whyyy?" Jc whined.

"I was trying to make Jordyn feel better." Trevor explained, after he finally stopped laughing.

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