Chapter 5

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Next Week:

So, I leave for Kian's house today. I spent the last week hanging with Perrie as much as I could, and she could bear being with me, skateboarding, and drawing.

I had packed up everything throughout the week. I finally packed my batman onesie this morning, because last night Perrie and I had a sleepover. I wore my batman one and she wore her superman one.

I put on my clothes today, a black t-shirt with the moon phases on it, black shorts short, black tights with my black combat boots. I also wore my black hat and put on my circle sunglasses and my black leather bracelet with silver charms on it (a/n picture of outfit on side). I straightened my long, blonde hair today and did my makeup, a dark smokey eye and lots of mascara. I put my glasses in it's case and put my contacts in.

I put my phone, earbuds, The Fault in Our Stars book, glasses case, wallet, sharpies and paper, and laptop in my black bag for the plane ride.

Perrie rode with me and my parent to the airport. She helped me bring my bags in and check in and stuff.

"I'll see you later, okay?" She smiled weakly at me.

"Okay." I said.

We both laughed and hugged each other. I let a few tears fall before pulling away and wiping my face, seeing Perrie do the same.

"Jordyn, you need to get going through security or else you could miss your plane." My dad said, softly.

I nodded and turned back to Perrie. "I'll miss you Pez. Text me everyday and we'll call, Skype, and facetime as much as we can."

"I'll miss you too, Jo. And don't forget about me in LA." She joked.

"I could never," I gasped.

"I love you." She said, pulling me into another hug.

"I love you too." I told her.

I gave my dad a hug and told him that I would miss him. My mom gave me a quick, awkward hug before she walked away.

I sighed.

"This is her way of coping with another child leaving." My dad told me.

"Yeah, sure." I muttered, grabbing my backpack and guitar case. "I'll see you."

I left my dad and best friend and went to security. Going through it was a breeze, it just took so long. I finally got to my gate and sat down to wait until they said we could board the plane.

I took out my phone and earbuds and plugged them in. I pressed shuffle and put in one earbud. I hummed along to PYD by Justin Bieber, while tapping my foot.

"Flight 387 for Los Angeles is now boarding." The lady on the speaker said. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

I handed the lady my boarding pass and got on the plane, taking my seat.

When the pilot told us to turn off out electronics, I shut down my phone and put on my seat belt. I took out my book and read until the flight took off.

The plane started down the runway and took off into the air. About twenty minutes later, the pilot told us we could turn our electronics back on, I pulled out my laptop and went on Netflix, luckily there was free wi-fi. I turned on The Secret Life of an American Teenager and went on my phone.

I soon pulled out my sharpies and paper and started doodling on that, still watching Netflix.

I was fortunate that Kian was still in California, so the plane ride wasn't that long. soon, but not soon enough, the plane landed in LAX.

I exited the plane with my back pack on my back and guitar case in hand, and went to get my luggage. My dad told me that Kian would be there to pick me up when my plane landed, but I didn't really want to see him.

So after I got my suitcases, I went to the nearest Starbucks. I got a caramel macchiato and sat down.

"I don't know where she is." I heard someone say. They sounded annoyed.

"Well she is your sister." Someone else said.

"Yeah, but I haven't even seen her since I moved, I don't even know what she looks like."

Wait, that voice sounds really firmiliar. Shit.

"I'm just going to call her." My brother said.

No, no, no, no.

My phone blasted American Idiot by Green Day, my ringtone. Kian and his friends whipped around to me.

"Jordyn?" Kian said.

"Hi Kian." I said flatly.

Him and his friends came over to me. Kian stared at me and his friends stood the awkwardly.

"Oh, Jordyn, these are my friends slash roomates, Jc, Connor, and Ricky." Kian told me.

"Hey girl." Ricky, I think said, snapping his fingers. He had a little bit of a lisp I noticed.

"Hi, my name is Connor and I like cats and coffe. I spend all my time on the internet and tumblr is my favorite thing in the world." Who I think is Connor said really fast.

"Sup." Jc said.

I think I like Jc best.

"Um, hi." I said, shifting from my left foot to my right foot and back again.

"So, should we get going?" Ricky suggested.

"Yeah, c'mon Jordyn." Kian said, picking up one of my suitcases. Before I could protest, Ricky, Connor, and Jc grabbed the others and started walking away.

I stood there for a second, staring, before picking up my guitar case and slowly making my way after them. Kian led us to a car and he got in the front seat, Ricky getting shotgun. Connor, Jc and I squeezed in the backseat and Kian started driving.

I don't feel like talking to anyone, so before they could start asking me question, I put my earbuds in my ears and turned on my music, turning the volume up most of the way.

I saw Kian look at me through the rearview mirror, but I just turned away and looked out the window. I tapped my fingers on my lap to the beat of Sing by Ed Sheeran.

Before I knew it, the car stopped and everyone got out. I opened the door and got out also, staring at the house in front of me. It wasn't that big, but it was still a decent size and really nice.

They grabbed my bags, again, and I followed the boys into the house with my backpack and guitar.

"So, I'll show you you're room," Kian said.

I nodded and grabbed my luggage from the other boys. I followed Kian up the stairs and he led my all the way down the hall, to the very end, pointing out other rooms as we went.

"That's Connor's room, and there's mine. The bathroom, and then Ricky's. Jc's is across from mine, and yours is next to Jc's. Across from Ricky's room." He told me.

I nodded and he opened the door he told me led to my room. It was a really nice room, put very plain.

"We thought that you would want to do what you wanted to your room, so we left it plain for you." Kian said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thanks," I said.

"I'll leave you to unpack." He said, leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and fell back on my new bed. This was going to take alot of getting used to.


Heres a new update for those of you who are reading this.

Who got a new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. I didn't.

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Boo-bye lovelies. Stay cloudy :)

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