Chapter 2

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"What?" I screamed.

"Jordyn, calm down. We will talk about this when we get home." My dad said.

"Miss Lawley, will you please wait out in the hall while I talk to your parents some more." Mr. Gordon told me.

I nodded and left his office, sitting down in one of the chairs in the main office.

"Suspended again, Miss Lawley?" I turned to see the receptionist person lady.

"Uh, yeah." I said, turning away. I started tapping on the chair, until the lady glared at me. I sighed and hummed along to Pop 101 by Marianas Trench which had been stuck in my head all day.

"Jordyn." I looked up to see my mom and dad standing next to me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Go empty your locker, we're leaving." My mom said, walking to the car without another look at me.

"We'll be in the car." My dad patted my shoulder and followed my mom.

I sighed again, and left the main office to go to my locker. As I neared it, I saw Perrie standing next to it.

"Suspended?" She asked as I put in my locker combination.

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p'.

"How long?" She said,leaning against the locker next to mine.

"No idea, I kinda zoned out." I confessed, putting everything in my backpack.

"If you're just suspended, why are you putting everything in your bag?" Perrie asked, confused.

"Cause my parents are sending me to live with him." I growled.

"No," She gasped.

"Yes," I groaned, slamming the locker shut.

I picked up my skateboard and we started walking to the main office.

"I can't believe they're actually doing it." She breathed.

"I know right." I said, spinning the wheel on my board.

"Stop," Perrie said, putting her hand over mine. Making the wheel stop spinning.

"Sorry." I groaned.

"It's fine. But you can't keep forgetting to take your pills." She told me.

"I know." I said, opening the door to the office.

I handed my math and history book to the lady and turned to Perrie. "I'll text you later."

"No, call me." She said.

"Kay," I nodded my head.

Perrie gave me a quick hug then went back to class. I went in the opposite direction as her and headed out to the parking lot.

I got in the car and my dad started the car and started driving home. There was an awkward silence, and not being able to take it any longer, I put my earbuds in my ears and started blasting Berzerk by Eminem.

Once we got home, I brought my bag and skateboard inside and up to my room. I sat on my bed, hoping that my parents wouldn't call me down. I really don't want to talk about my punishment. I picked up my guitar and worked on the cords for All Of Me.

"JORDYN!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs.

"WHAT?" I screamed back.


I groaned and got off my bed, putting my phone in my back pocket. I set my guitar on its stand and made my way downstairs as slowly as I can, I could hear my parents hushed voices from the living room.

"Jordyn, sit down." My mom said coldly, as I entered the living room.

I sat down on the love seat across from my parents, who were sitting on the couch. Tucking my feet underneath me, I got comfortable, as I knew my mom and dad would have alot they want to talk to me about.

"Jordyn," My mom started, shaking her head.

"Yes?" I said, trying to sound polite.

"Lets start with why you got suspended." My dad suggested.

"Again!" My mom said harshly.

I sighed. "I forgot to do my homework and Ms. Kelly was being totally irrational and when I tried to reason with her, she wouldn't listen. So I just left. And apparently you're not aloud to leave class without permission, so I got suspended."

"You didn't do your homework again?" My mom said.

"Yeah, is that all you focused on?" I asked.

"Why didn't you do your homework? I reminded you to do it last night." My mom said, ignoring my question.

"I tried mom, but I got distracted and totally forgot about it." I pleaded with her.

"No Jordyn, no excuses." My mom snapped at me.

"I'm sorry," Was all I said.

"Now, as we have told your principal, we are sending you to live with your brother for the summer. Since there is only a month left of school, you will leave now instead of when it gets out." My dad explained.

"Why do I have to live with him?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Because you don't listen to anything we say. You have become a little rebel. Dying your hair, getting even more piercings in your ear, even doing drugs!" My mom was screaming by the end of her little rant.

"That was one time!" I yelled back. "I smoked weed once, and everyone else was doing it."

"That is no excuse! You came home high and that right there was when you crossed the line!" My mom screamed.

By now, both me and my mom were standing up and in each others faces. My dad came up to us and pushed us away from each other.

"Grace, go have a cup of coffee and calm down while I talk to her." My dad said to my mom.

She nodded and left the living room, mumbling incoherent things under her breath.

"Jordyn," My dad said, pushing me on the couch and sitting next to me. "We still love you. Your mother and I just think you need to get away and see your brother and have a good brotherly influence in your life. You're leaving next week."

"I seriously doubt that," I scoffed.

"What do you mean?" My dad asked. This is why I have a better relationship with my dad than my mom. My dad actually sits down and listens, my mom just hears what she wants and if she doesn't than she starts yelling.

"I don't think this is about me seeing Kian, I think you guys want to get rid of me." I said bluntly.

"Jordyn, we do not want to get rid of you." My dad gasped.

"Sure. I'm going to my room." I said, leaving without another word.


Chapter two! Yay!

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Byyyyyyyye, staaaaay cloudddddy :)

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