Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning to Trevor singing a song about waffles.

I groaned and put my glasses on, throwing my hair up in a ponytail.

I shuffled downstairs and sat down at the table with everyone else.

They were all wide awake, dressed, and talking while I had just woken up and looked like a donkey's butt.

I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes.

"Tired?" I opened my eyes and saw Connor sitting next to me with a mug of coffee.

"Yup." I nodded.

"Here you go Jordyn." Kian said, rubbing my back. I looked up to see a plate of blueberry pancakes, a cup of orange juice, and my pills.

I gulped down my meds and dug into the pancakes.

"Zayum, girl." Nash said.

"Don't judge me. I'm hungry." I said between bites.

I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink. I ran upstairs and got dressed in ripped boyfriend jeans, a camo oversized sweater, and a black beanie that says "HOMIÉS' on it. I didn't bother putting my contacts in, so I put my glasses back on and sat on my bed.

I pulled out my laptop and put on some music while I did my everyday makeup and hair.

My Skype call ring tone rang, and I answered it.

"Wassup bitch?" Perrie said in her usual greeting.

"Nothing much whore." I said.

"Nothing much my butt! I love your hair!" She screamed.

"Oh, thanks." I said, looking at it in the mirror.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing really, just got a tattoo!" She said the last part really loud.

"WHAT?!" I screeched.

There was a thud downstairs and footsteps running up the stairs. My door flew open and Kian, Connor, Ricky, Jc, Cam, Nash, Andrea, and Jenn all stood there.

We both ignored them and Perrie pulled down her sleeve a tiny bit.

"I'm obsessed with it!' She said.

"Its amazing." I said, staring at the cross on the side of her right hand. (Picture on the side)

"So no one's dying?" Ricky said.

We ignored him and kept talking about her tattoo.

"I want one." I whined.

"Ha, that's funny." Kian said, sitting next to me on my bed. Everyone else sat around me either on my bed or on the floor.

"Why not?" I asked crossing my arms, turning to him and getting defensive.

"Uh-oh." Perrie said.

"What oh?" Andrea asked.

"Jordyn crossed her arms. Now she's not going to stop until she gets what she wants, and in this case, a tattoo." Perrie said in a hushed voice.

"Because you're underage." Kian said.

"So what, I turn 18 in a few months. Plus you have a ton of tattoos." I said.

"So what, I'm still over 18. You're under 18." He said.

"That's not a good argument. I can get one if I get a guardians signature. Just sign the paper and I can get one. Its that simple." I said sassily.

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