Chapter 36

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"Should we have pizza for dinner?" Kian asked, coming into the kitchen.

I scrunched my nose up.

"Do you know how many times we have had pizza since I got here?" I  asked, looking at him.

"Uh, no. How many times?" He asked.

"I don't know. But a lot." I said.

Kian rolled his eyes and Connor laughed.

"Wow Jordyn." Kian said.

"Can we have, like a home cooked meal for once?" I asked.

"Don't look at me, I can't cook for shit." Kian said.

I groaned.

"Jc can." Connor said, grabbing an AriZona from the fridge.

I ran out of the room into the living room.

"Where's Jc?" I asked Ricky, who was watching the new episode of Pretty Little Liars.

"Uh, I think he went out." Ricky said.

"Ugh, are you serious?" I groaned.

"Why? Am I boring you already." He laughed.

"No, Connor just said that Jc is a good cook, because I want something good and home cooked rather than take out or something." I explained.

"I'm a good cook." Ricky said.

"Ricky, no one likes your disgusting fake vegan shit." I said, making Kian laugh as he walked into the room.

"It's so true, Rickers." Kian said.

"What are we gonna do then?" I groaned, throwing my head back dramatically.

"Lets me and you make something." Kian said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.

"Uhh, is that a good idea?" Ricky called after us.

We ignored him.

I sat on the counter and Kian leaned onto it as we both looked at Pinterest on his laptop trying to find a recipe for us to make.

"Have you ever cooked anything?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, Andrea and I cook together sometimes." He told me.

"How much do you actually cook though?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hey this looks good." He pointed to a recipe and ignored my question.

I rolled my eyes, but looked at what he was pointing to.

"Cream cheese and chicken taquitos?" I read out loud.

"Yeah, that sounds good right?" Kian looked at me.

"Yeah sure. How hard can it be?" I asked, shrugging.

The recipe was fairly easy. 

We just needed 3 cups of cooked chicken, 1 1/2 cups of spinach, tortillas, 1 1/2 cups of Colby jack cheese,  6 ounces of cream cheese, 1/3 cups Sour cream, vegetable oil, and salsa.

I cut and cooked the chicken while Kian searched for the other ingredients we need.

We put them everything together and in the tortillas and cooked them.

Once they were done, I took a picture of all of them on the plate and posted it to my Snapchat story with the caption 'wifey material ?'.

"Shut up, Cam might get ideas." Kian nudged me.

"Shut the fuck up." I punched him back. "We just started dating."

"I shouldn't say this, but I'm actually glad him and Nash went back to their house." He said, grabbing plates.

"Why?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip and glaring at him.

"Because, I don't know. It was weird how you two are together and living in the same house. I felt like something was gonna happen." Kian shrugged, not looking at me.

I stared at him, my mouth open slightly.

"What?" He asked, when he noticed me staring.

"Are you insane?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"As I said before, we just started dating. I'm not a slut or anything. I'm not going to sleep with him a week after we start dating." I snapped.

"Jord, I'm not saying your a slut at all. But he is a guy, just like me, and I know exactly how we think. And it's not all kisses and cuddles." He told me.

"I don't care. If I said I didn't want to have sex, then I wouldn't have sex. If he tried anything after I told him I didn't want to sleep with him then it would be even harder for him to have sex because then he would be girlfriendless." I crossed my arms.

"I don't know why I worry about you, you can take care of yourself just fine." Kian laughed and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me in for a hug.

"Get off me you jackass. I'm still mad at you for saying I was a slut." I pushed his arms off of me.

"I never called you a slut, and I never would Jordyn." He pouted.

"Well you insinuated it." I said.

"I-" Kian started, but I cut him off.

"Let's just eat. I'm hungry." I interrupted.

"Is that chicken?" Ricky asked, coming over and smelling one of the taquitos.

"Yes, now get your vegan ass out of here. Chicken is delicious." I said, pushing his face away from the food.

"Ugh." He groaned, and went to make his own food.

"Con, dinner's ready!" Kian yelled.

Connor came into the kitchen.

"It smells so good." He said.

"Let's hope it tastes just as good." Kian muttered to me.

I elbowed him in the rib.

"Hey, I made it, of course it'll be good." I said.

Connor, Kian, and I got a plate full of taquitos and a salad that Con made.

"You take a bite first." Kian said.

"No way, you take one." I said, inspecting the taquito.

"Con." Kian looked at him.

"Yeah right. You guys made it. If it's poisonous because you didn't make it right, you're gonna be the ones dying ." He said.

Kian and I looked at each other.

"On the count of three?" I asked.

He nodded and picked one up.

I did the same.

"Three, two, one..." I said.

We both took a bite.

I dropped it back on the plate and grabbed my throat, making a choking sound.

Falling to the floor, I closed my eyes.

"Stop it Jord." Kian nudged my leg with his foot. "They're good."

I sat back down on the chair and took another bite.

"Yeah they are." I shrugged.

Connor rolled his eyes at me and took a bite himself.



I hope you guys aren't mad at me.

I have had the worst writers block and I have just been having a really hard time lately.

Idk, but you guys don't wanna hear my excuses.

So I'm just gonna end this here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment, it helps me remember to write (even though it doesn't seem like it)

Follow me on twitter @sxrxh_mxrie and instagram @sxrxh.bxnxnx

Peace out loves, stay cloudy :)

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