Chapter 4

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I woke up the next mornig to my phone ringing. I unplugged my headphones and swiped on my screen to answer.

"Hello?" I said groggily, having just woken up.

"Jordyn, just because you don't have to go to school doesn't mean you can sleep all day! You are suspended, so you are in trouble. Get out of bed." My mom barked at me thorugh the phone.

"What?" I said, confused as to what was happening.

"You heard me, get out of bed and do something. But don't leave the house." With that she hung up.

"What a great wake up call." I said to myself, falling backwards on my back, only to fall out of bed. "Ugh, what a great start to a great day."

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen, putting my glasses on as I went. I saw a note on the counter and saw it was from my dad, reminding me to take my meds. I mentally groaned and thanked him at the same time, wishing that I could remember on my own just once. I got my medication from the cupboard and grabbed one for my ADD and one for my ADHD, taking them with some orange juice.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and went to eat it out back on our hammack. I stayed out the for a while, even after I finished eating, on my phone and stuff.

I finally went upstairs to get dressed. I put on my wolf t-shirt and grey skinny jeans with my black, studded combat boots (a/n picture on side, just without earrings). I took my glasses off and put my contacts in.

"Oh my gosh, I am so bored." I whined to no one as I flopped on the couch in the living room.

I turned on the tv and played the newest episode of Pretty Little Liars and tried to watch it. Halfway through, I paused the show and went up and got my skateboard. I brought it back down and pressed resume, doing tricks in the living room.

I'm glad I did take my meds, other wise I would have been so much worse. I made it until my dad got home, and he let me skateboard to the park near our house to get all my energy out.

I skated to the park and swung on the swings for a while. After I got bored of the swings, I went and sat on top of the monnkey bars. I got a facetime call from...Sam?

"What Sam?" I answered the call.

"Hello to you to Jordyn." He smirked at me.

"Yeah, like I said, what?" Yeah ever since Kian stopped talking to me, I haven't been the nicest to his friends either.

"So I heard Little Lawley is moving in with KiKi." He said to me.

"One, don't call me that. Two, don't call him that. Three, how did you know?" I demanded.

"Well, Kian told his roomates, because your living with them too. And he told me and Trevor because we practically live there." He explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"Wait, he has roomates?! And who's Trevor?" I was freaking out.

"Yeah, Connor, Ricky, and Jc." Sam told me.

"Who?" I asked.

"Wait, how do you not know who Trevor, Connor, Ricky, or Jc is?" He asked me.

"I don't pay attention to Kian's social life." I said, coldly.

"Do you not watch O2L?" He looked at me.

"What the fuck is that Sam?" I asked.

"Wow, ok." He looked shocked.

"Sam, are you going to answer me, or am I going to have to just hang up on you?" I said.

"No! Wait, so O2L is our collab channal on Youtube. Kian and I are in it with the other guys. The other guys being Jc, Connor, Trevor, and Ricky. We all have different days that we post videos on that channal. Then we of course have our own seperate channels." Sam smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes, remembering only too well the videos Kian and Sam forced me to help them with.

"So Connor posts Mondays, Ricky posts Tuesdays, Wednesdays is me, Jc posts Thursdays, Trevor's Fridays, and Saturdays is Kian's days." He explained.

"Oh ok." I shrugged.

"Yeah, we're pretty popular." He said, looking at his nails.

"Yeah, ok." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "So why exactly did you facetime me?"

"I don't actually know. Kian told us you were coming, and I haven't talked to you pretty much since I moved out here, so I thought I'd give you a call." Sam said.

"Well, I guess I'll see you when I get there." I said, awkwardly.

"Yup." He said, just as awkwardly.

"Kay bye." I said, real fast and hung up.

After that, I grabbed my skateboard and went back home. Hoping my mom wouldn't be home yet.

Oh, but of course she is.

"Where have you been? I told you not to leave the house." She said, hands on her hips.

"Dad let me go to the park." I told her, walking past.

She followed me into the kitchen where I got a bottle of water from the fridge. "I still said you had to stay home."

"I've been trapped in this house since yesterday, I needed to do something." I said.

She looked conflicted. Even though she doesn't like me, she still knows how hard it is for me to stay inside all day.

Instead of saying anything, she just sighed and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. Staying there, playing guitar, until it was time for dinner.

My mom and dad decided they were going out, so they gave me money to order something and left. I ordered a pizza and put my pajamas on, an old Nirvana shirt and spandex. I took my contacts out and put my glasses back on.

I turned on The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and waited for my pizza to come. Even though its my favorite movie, I still texted Perrie through out the whole thing.

After I paid for my pizza, I ate almost all of it and put on The Amazing Spiderman. Halfway through the movie, I fell asleep on the couch.


So, in my story, Connor is still going to be in O2L, Kiandrea is still going on strong, and Ricky, Kian, Jc, and Connor all live in a house together.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, make sure to vote and comment if you did.

Follow me on twitter @CartahftCaniff

Byyye loves, stay cloudy :)

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