Chapter 11

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Still Cameron's POV:

Nash held up his phone and motioned to me that he was going to call Kian. I nodded and leaned against the railing next to Jordyn.

"Hey." I said, looking into the water.

"Hi," She said, rolling across the uneven planks.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Nothing." Jordyn said.

"Why'd you run out of the house?" I asked her, still not looking at her.

She shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Thats not a good reason, we were all worried." I told her.

She scoffed. I finally looked up. "You don't believe me?"

"Not really." She said.

"Well why not?" I challenged.

"Because my brother hasn't worried about me since the last time he called me, which was like last year, Sam never cared about me, I've just always been his best friend's annoying sister. Ricky, Jc, Connor, and Trevor just met me yesterday, and you, Nash, Jenn, and, Andrea met me today." Jordyn explained.

"So, just because we don't know you as well as Perrie doesn't mean we can't care about you?" I asked her.

She nodded, then stopped. "How do you know Perrie?"

"Oh, um. We Skyped her to try and figure out where you were." I muttered.

"How did you-You hacked my computer!" She yelled.

"Shh," I covered her mouth with my hand.

Jordyn wasted no time in licking my palm and I pulled my hand away and wiped it on my pant leg, disgusted.

"I don't want to go back." She muttered.

"Well then what do you want to do?" I asked.

Nash had finally come back and was standing on Jordyn's other side.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

"Hmmm," Nash twirled her pink streak. "This is fading, want to dye your hair again?"

Her face broke out in a huge smile and her eyes twinkled. "Yas!"

She bent down and grabbed her skateboard then started running away from us. Nash and I looked at each other and sighed. This girl really does have alot of energy.

We ran after her, catching up. "Jordyn, you have no idea where the car is." I told her, still running.

She stopped abruptly, making Nash and I told bump into her.

"Show me to the car!" She cheered, jumping on Nash's back.

We fast-walked back to the car and went to the nearest Rite Aid. Jordyn ran ahead of us to the hair dye isle.

We quickly caught up with her. She was pacing up and down the isle, looking at all the different colors.

"Do you still want pink?" Nash asked, picking up a box of pink hair dye.

"Maaaaybe." She said, tapping her chin.

"What about something like green." I said, showing her a box of lime green dye.

"I really like those colors." She said, grabbing both of them.

"Why not both?" Nash suggested.

"Brilliant!" Jordyn shouted, making people stare at us.

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