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It's spring time here. The weather is nice. It doesn't rain too much, but then again it's Seattle, it rains.

I turn over to read my alarm clock, almost five am. Sleep doesn't come to me, not in a long time. The friends I've had, well the past tense answers that.

I used to be outgoing, I used to be fun to be around some might say. But things happen, and things change. So many things change.

People you love leave, they die, or they slap you across the face, much like my father. It doesn't sting as much anymore, my body has formed this numbness so that when people do leave or die, my body is numb to the feeling.

I trudge out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, beginning my morning routine. Its always the same; Pee, dress, brush my hair, put on some make up to mask myself, brush my teeth and grab some breakfast- which is usually black coffee- and head out to start my day.

I used to be fun. But fun was killed for me the moment my sister died. Half sister I should say.

It wasn't anyone's fault. It was an honest accident. A stupid accident. And a drunk one at that.

She died choking on her throw up at a graduation party when we were twenty three. We had just taken our final exams of med school and we're finally becoming residents- more so interns. She drank too much, I was drunk out of my mind on José Cuervos, my favorite man, and she just passed out on her back.

You'd thing for graduating med students, one of the 127 some- odd people at the party would've known she shouldn't have been passed out on her back. Stupid. Terribly stupid.

And our dad, well my father, he loathes me everyday for it. His wife is dead, Susan, she died in a car accident two months after Lexie died. What a shit life, right?

Internship didn't work out. I lost my drive the moment Lexie died. and now I do the most boring thing ever people will say. I work at a publishing company, reading hundreds and hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, either creating or ending someone's career. How terrible is that? Knowing someone's career lays in our hands.

As my thoughts consume me on my drive to work, I roll my eyes at the thought of reading today. I love reading, don't get me wrong, I love seeing how others escape their reality in some fictional character's lives while I live my shitty life. I'm jealous of it. Wishing for one day I could be happy, I could move on, I could've been that surgeon saving lives. Instead, I settled.

I settled to be ordinary.

A/N: okay so I don't quite know where I'm going with this yet, this was pretty short I would say but here's a glimpse of what is to come. Future chapters will be longer! feedback is always good I love to please the readers and their thoughts! I'll be updating within the next two days!

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