Twenty- Three

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I always like being secluded. From people, from life, from anything really. But I really liked being secluded from the world with Derek on his land.

It's a nice humid morning, the fog still casting over the dewey grass. The bird are chirping as the sun slowly rises.

See I like to escape from reality for awhile. I like to wake up on forty acres of land with the man I'm in love with.

Right now that man is making me breakfast. I watch him carefully as he moved around the tiny kitchen oh so smoothly, whipping up something good for us to eat. No doubt it's something healthy. I don't mind though because I always love what Derek makes.

I lay back down and look up through the sunroof of the airstream. The humidity clouding it a bit. All you see is greenery and blue skies.

And then a huge smile covers my face because my vision has been blocked by a beautiful man and what's even betters is that he has food for me.

"Good morning." He sets down the tray of food and leans down to kiss me softly, quick and then he pulls away.

"Good morning." I sit up, propping the pillows up as well and Derek sits on his side of the bed with the tray of food before him.

"How long have you been up?" He asks and I reach for a strawberry. He's made eggs with fruit and ham. One of my favorites.

"I felt you leave the bed and then I woke up maybe two minutes after." I chew my strawberry.

He nods as his response and bites into his eggs. "What do you want to do today?"

"Maybe we could go on a walk, go down to the lake. Or we could just watch seattle life from the cliff. Relax, you know?" I suggest and he smiles at me.

"I like these ideas a lot." He says to me. "How did you sleep?" He asks.

"You know I always sleep well with you there." I blush a little.

"I know I just want to make sure you're okay." He adds softly. I've finished my breakfast completely, as has Derek and I take the now empty food tray to the kitchen and put it back where I saw Derek take it out.

I turn around and Derek is now gazing out the sunroof. I crawl on his side of the bed and I lay out on top of him, hugging him as if he's a teddy bear. He breathes me in, smelling my hair like he always does. His arms are enwrapped around me and his grip is strong but comfortable.

I nuzzle my head into his chest. He smells of him: nature and pine. It's a welcoming smell, one I like of him very much. We lay there for a while, silent and I love the comfort that it brings.

Looking up at Derek I find him smiling down at me, his hands immediately find my head and hair while my fingers tangle in his curls. We just relish in the moment, practically gawking at each other and I offer him a soft smile.

I lean down to him, closing the distance between our lips and give him a soft kiss. He grabs my hair more firmly than before and his lips move down to my neck as he plants wet kisses on them. He rolls us over so he's on top of me and he pins me to the bed with his hips. I let out a little laugh and he kisses the corner of my cheek.

Pulling back he looks down at me and I blush under his gaze. "I like waking up with you in my bed." He says to me. He sounds like such the seventeen year old sex crazed boy and its adorable.

"You're so corny." I mock, rolling my eyes carelessly. Rolling off of me he props himself up on his elbow.

"You know, you're quite the snorer." My face goes ghost and I probably look like a deer in headlights.

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