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I had finally finished reading and writing a report for the two manuscripts I was assigned for the week.

Both were not worth the publishing. Sharon decided to give me a day off which Was a definite plus.

It had been six days since Derek came over and made me breakfast. "I hope that one day you can see yourself the way I see you." Those words make me smile. I can only hope what he says will someday happen, but I've grown accustom to my life and how miserable it is, I've accepted that people I love leave or die. It's life, or mine at least.

Derek called earlier this morning, at about 7:30 am. He told me to get ready and wear something comfortable. I asked why and he said he couldn't give that information away. Of coarse I rolled my eyes at him, not that he could see trough the phone. So now I wait patiently for him to show up. He says he's a neurosurgeon, yet how is it that he's always available? And then I think, what if he's lying? What if he's not this man he seems to be? What if his name isn't even Derek?

I have to stop thinking like that. My negativity eats me alive, but I'm scared. I'm not as strong as he says I am, why he says it to begin with I don't know. And then I hear an SUV pull up in my driveway, Derek. Moments later I hear the doorbell ring and I get up off the kitchen stool and make my way over.

He has flowers in his hand - we aren't dating- why'd he bring flowers? I open the door and am greeted once again with his big smile.

"Hey." He's energetic, an optimist. "These are for you." He hands me the bouquet and I grab it cautiously. They smell good. Like lavender, I love lavender.

"Thank you. They smell wonderful, of lavender." Why'd he get me flowers. Has a man ever gotten me flowers? No. He steps into my house and we walk over to the kitchen area. Do I even have a voss for this? I look everywhere and finally find one under the sink in the cabinet. Okay.

"So why did you bring me flowers?" I ask. Because I'm baffled.

"It's what people do as a nice gesture, a friendly one." He answers. I never knew that. How terrible is that.

"Oh." I frown. I'm pathetic.

"So I have some plans today, that I think you will like, well hope at least. What do you say we get a jump on it?" He's very enthusiastic, obviously excited for what he has planned.

"Okay." It's simple, doing this implies were friends. I guess I could have one, it's been so long since I have that's for sure.


We're in his Hummer, I can tell we're heading to the water and I don't quite know why.

"What are we doing?" I hate surprises and I can tell he's really big on them. He likes the teasing it brings of the 'i'm not telling you.' He's like a kid in that aspect, how ridiculous.

"What fun would be in telling you my surprise." I roll my eyes at him, so. childish.

"I hate surprises." I blurt out, pouting. I guess I'm the child now aren't I?

"How can you hate surprises?" He gives me the oh so common 'you have three heads!' look. It dawns on him why I hate surprises and he's silent, his face drops. I hate this, I hate that he knows and I've burdened him with this, ruining his joy. "I can tell you if you'd like." As if it's no problem. He really cares. It's very foreign to me.

"No, it's okay, I don't want to spoil your mood." I don't, that's not my intentions. And this is why I can't have friends, ruining their happy lives with my miserable one.

"Meredith, you have to understand something. You can't spoil my mood, even if you tried. I promise." He certainly sounds promising. It's refreshing and I can't Sab I don't like it.

I look away from him and face what's in front of us, a ferryboat. "What are we doing?"

He turns to me with that shit eating grin, what a child. "We're riding a ferryboat!" Oh for the love of god, he looks like a seven year old boy on Christmas morning. I sat there silently, just looking at him and he let out a sigh. "I have a thing for ferryboats. I enjoy them a lot, I can't quite explain it I just love being out at sea and seeing everything on inland. It fascinates me."

"Well alright then, I guess we're riding a ferryboat." I offer him what would be considered one of my best smiles but I know it's terrible deep down.

"Have you ever ridden one before?" He keeps his eyes on the dock before us, the workers signaling that we can pull forward in the car port.

"No, I haven't actually." I never really needed to. When I was younger and lived here before I went to college I didn't and ever since I came back for an internship which failed I haven't been on one.

"Wow, you're missing out." He stopped the car, turned the engine off and got out. I unbuckled my seatbelt, my hand on the car handle to open when Derek appeared, opening the door for me.

"You know I'm very capable of opening my own car door, I've been doing it my whole life. I'm a grown independent woman." I half scolded him. His eyes gleamed at my outburst and I groaned. "Why do you find everything I say so 'precious'?" He closes the door finally as I stand there with my hands on my hips.

"If I may..." He starts, sort of as a question. I look at him, notifying him that yes, he may. "You're very adorable. I know you're capable of doing all these things on your own, I know you're very independent. But I am doing what is right, opening a door for a woman out of respect, because that's what I was raised to do. So pardon my manners." The sarcasm and sincerity in his voice annoys me.

"You're very annoying, you know that right?" He puts his hand on his heart and gasps as if I've wounded him. Oh please. I roll my eyes at him and he stifles a laugh.

"C'mon." He gestures toward the stairs and we make our way up them. The gust of wind takes me by surprise but it feels exhilarating, we walk up another set of stairs until we are at the top of the ferryboat. I look around me, astounded by all this one ride has to offer. I can see the Space Needle, the buildings, downtown, Pike's Place Market sign and Seattle Grace Hospital. It's beautiful.

"Wow." The wind pushes my hair back as I stand in awe of this view. "It's beautiful." And I can feel eyes on me. A certain piercing blue eyes that match dark dark course hair.

"It is." I can still feel a gaze on me, I decide to ignore it as I turn around to look at this man, Derek. He still looks at me with the same gaze I felt, a small smile on his face. And for once, I think I smile a genuine smile back at him.

A/N: Hi guys, I know this is kind of slow paced but I'm hoping to get more viewers on this! if you could share with fellow fan friends that'd be awesome! I'll be posting another chapter hopefully tonight or tomorrow❤️ - Em

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