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My life is a series of unfortunate events, really.

My sister died when we were twenty three, followed by her mom - who really was the only thing close to having a mother figure in my life-, my biological mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and my dad.. well he's a drunk. And me, I'm the one that let my sister die while I was drunk and allowed myself to get raped, according to my family.

So there's my life in a nutshell.

It's May 24th and for once it's nice outside. I look over at my alarm clock on my bedside, it reads 5:19. Time to start my morning routine.

As I brush my teeth I look at the hideous woman in the reflection. She stares back at me, haunting me.

I spit out my tooth paste in my mouth, put my tooth brush back in the holder and head downstairs. Grabbing the coffee pot I pour the steaming black liquid in a travel mug, grab my keys and head into work.

My boss is a woman, thank god for that. She's in her early forties with chestnut hair and glasses. She's a strong independent woman, I envy her.

She greets me good morning as I walk to my office, setting my things down and starting up my computer.

I have two manuscripts I have to read and write a report on this week. It's a rather light load in all honesty.

I begin reading one on my desktop, It's a love story. These are my least favorite ones to read.

It's about a boy who falls in love with his best fiend - how cliche. As I continue reading I find it quite un-cliche though. The boy is dying, he's eighteen years old and the girl who is his best friend helps take care of him.

It makes me almost want to cry. No Meredith, you don't cry.

I pull up Word on my desk top and jot down some notes about it, is it worth the publishing? I really don't know. But someone's career is in my hands.

At lunch time I head down to the deli that is right next to my building, very convenient. I walk in and the owner greets me, asking me if I want my usual. I give him s polite nod and pay the cashier.

Heading back up to my office I sit down and slowly eat as I continue to read the manuscript. It's just so tragic.

I finished my lunch just a little after two. I see that my boss, Sharon is approaching me.

"Hey Meredith."

"Hi Sharon." I reply, she's prompting something.

"How are the books coming along?" she asks.

I have to think about this. I know what she's asking and my honest answer is I don't know.

"I don't know, really this book is very tragic and raw but will it get the publicity and reads we need it to? And I can honestly say I don't know." I let out an inward sigh.

"Keep reading and get back to me." She smiles and turns on her heal.

I sigh again, back to reading.


It starts to drizzle lightly as I leave work and surprisingly enough I find myself driving to the old retirement home.

There's no need for an umbrella. I park my car as close as possible and walk to the entrance.

"I'm here to see Ellis Grey." I say as I sign in.

"Meredith, it's been a while. I'm glad you could stop by." She scolds me politely.

I want to roll my eyes but restrain myself from doing so. If you only knew what sort of hell this family is.

I reside with a, "Yes it has been."

"Your mother is doing alright, she's very into her early stages of life though I have to say. She seems to be reliving her early residency days." She tells me as we walk to where my mother is sitting.

"I'll leave you to her." She offers a smile and walks away.

I sit next to this woman whom I really don't know. All I know is she was a brilliant two time Harper Avery winner. Which is very impressive.

She didn't make a point to be in my life, only to scold me because I am not a perfect prodigy of her. I've grown used to it really.

I don't quite know what to say, I wait for her to look at me with her cold cold eyes. And she does.

Hell breaks loose.

She rants on and on and on about her residency. About Richard Webber and how she was demeaned for being a woman.

She rants and rants and rants, pacing in front of me continuously. I listen off and on, not paying much attention.

She finally sits down, clearly she has some idea of who I am.

I don't bother telling her about my life, frankly because she doesn't care but more so because my life is boring and ordinary. She wants extraordinary.

And then, out of nowhere she brings up her sex festivities in the on call room with Richard.

I'm baffled and disgusted. This is not something you want to hear from your mom.

She starts to settle down after a while and the nurse comes over to us notifying me it's time for her to get settled into bed.

I say an uncomfortable goodbye to the woman I don't know and head home.


I'm not tired at all. It's close to midnight and I'm in my pajamas, sitting on the couch in the living room watching some stupid tv show.

I continue watching, my boredom rising, and my sleepiness not coming. I haven't eaten and I really should I'm just not hungry. My mind wanders to the manuscript I'm reading, is it really going to bring in the reads? No. It's not. But it appeals to me for some reason.

I'm tired of thinking and shut off the tv, making my way up to my bedroom and hoping some good sleep will overcome me.

A/N: I know I know you wanna see merder but just be patient! To me it's very important that I have some of her back story written before going into it. I don't want to give much away but just enough of her past. I hope you will continue to read and comment! - Em

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