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It's mid June, and I've decided to go get some coffee at Tully's. The line isn't too bad so I wait. The door rings again and too soon I feel a presence behind me.

It's him.

An unfamiliar feeling overrides me, making me uncomfortable but I almost like it. What are the odds that he comes here on the exact same day I did... at the exact same time! What if he's stalking me? I'd notice if he were following me around the past month or so though... wouldn't I?

His voice pierces my thoughts, "So, will it be straight black coffee to keep you awake again? Or are we spicing it up a little today?" he flirts.

He's flirting. With me. No one has ever flirted with me before.

I let out a tiny snicker and turn around, let's see how this goes.

"So, are you stalking me or is this just too coincidental?" I tease, a small smile straining my lips.

He laughs out loud and looks at me, "A little too coincidental." He answers.

"Well then I guess I'll be spicing it up today." My mood has changed, it's weird, I feel a little lighter than usual. It's unnerving.

"So," He starts again, "Will you be placing your order, or will I?" He asks smoothly.

I'm stunned, did he just ask to pay for my drink? That's not weird, is it?

I bite my lip unconsciously and turn towards him.

"I guess you could if you'd like." I mumble.

A big smile covers his face, "I'd like that a lot."

We stand in line in silence, not awkwardly though. He occasionally looms over at me as if he's studying me. I continue looking forward, not knowing how to act.

"What will you be having?" His voice interrupts my thoughts.

What will I be having? "Surprise me." I say simply.

And then it occurs to me that I do not know this beautiful man's name. And I imagine it's a Michael or an Anthony, but that seems to rough for him.

"Do you want to sit?" He seems almost nervous asking. Odd, he seems confident.

"Um yeah, I'd like that." I stutter back. Looking at him, I wonder, what is this man's name?

We sit across from each other at a little table in the corner, it's comfy. My fingers wrap around my drink, although I have no idea what it is. It's warm though, I play with the material the cup is made out of, focusing on it. He clears his throat and I look up at him. He has a faint smile on his face. What is his name?

"You know what's funny is, I have no idea what your name is. And I'm sitting here, thinking of all these possible names but they seem too rough." I'm rambling, kill me now. One of my terribly mortifying habits I cannot see to control. Get a grip Meredith.

The blue eyed man looks at me astounded with endearment. It makes me hough, "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. It's quite a terrible habit." I've completely embarrassed myself. Good one Mer.

"I find it endearing and, my name is Derek." he replies confidently. And it's like I've caught a case of feelings. That's such a beautiful name for such a beautiful man.

"Derek." I silently say, as if it's a voice in the wind. And then I realize I actually said it out loud. My cheeks fill with redness and I know I've really killed it. my face mirrors how I feel on the inside, completely taken aback.

"You don't give much away." He says bluntly. I feel I should be offended considering he's a stranger, a stranger that's just bought me coffee which I have yet to drink.

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