Twenty- Two

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One thing that absolutely sucks wen you're an intern is they don't care if you're sick. As long as you're not hospitalized, you're perfectly fine.

Of course when you spend an afternoon in the clinic, exposed to flu patients... you get the flu. The flu sucks, the flu kicks your ass. It kicks your ass almost as much as work kicks your ass. And being an intern that I am, I'm practically dying here.

I've already thrown up three times today. I've been charting, running labs - literally running,- checking on patients and suturing in the pit. All boring stuff yes, but very demanding and time consuming.

My nose was running faster than I was and it was driving me crazy. Of course wit the seattle weather comes the sickness. I was dying. I had a fever of 101.2 and I couldn't scrub into any surgeries or do any IV's... I was just there.

Today I had to work with the model doctor, Izzie. She's very upbeat and preppy and talkative. It's very annoying. She just blabs on and on and on without any pause. She talks about baking and her dead ends and she talks optimistically. It drives me crazy. The amount of times I've rolled my eyes today, well you'd think they'd be stuck like that.

I spot Dr. Bailey down in the pit and I jump up, hoping to get out of here and do something else, anything else as long as it did not include Izzie Stevens.

Making my way over to Dr. Bailey I feel wheezy and I recognize the feeling. Luckily there's a trash can about two feet from me and I bend down, emptying the contents from my stomach. Love the stomach flu! I wipe my mouth and bend back up finding Callie Torres and Bailey looking at me with disgust. "I'm fine I swear. Just a little bug." I nod my head confidently, my hands in my hips.

"How long you been sick for?" Bailey questions me. I don't even remember anymore.

"Two, three days maybe?" It's more of a question than an answer considering I don't remember.

"Get yourself hooked onto some IV fluids. Now." She says sternly and it makes me stand a little taller. She turns on her heel and heads out of the pit.

"Need some help?" I hear Callie ask. I look at her with that yes please and lost all hope look and she gets up from the chair. "C'mon."

Sitting on a gurney I watch as Callie sticks the needle into my vein and injects fluids into me. She takes the needle down and hands me my bag on a roller and tells me to find her in an hour and a half. I thank her and make my way out of the pit. Basement time.

I lay there on the gurneys in the basement just staring at the ceiling and chill out. I don't think of anything, except what my mother would do if she were sick and an intern. She'd probably convince herself she wasn't sick and go perform some rare surgery and blow everyone away. Me? I'm here with my banana bag chillin on a gurney in the basement.

I can feel someone's presence and I know that it's Cristina, the overbearing fellow intern. I let out a sigh, bracing myself for what is to come of this encounter.

"You sick too?" She says. She's stuffed up, I can tell. I hand her the tissue box resting by my head and she takes a couple. I set it down between us. "Thanks." She mutters.

"I've been throwing up for the past three days. Thrown up four times today alone." I tell her. Not that she'll care.

"I'm with you." We sat in silence for a bit. I looked over at my banana bag as it put the fluids in my veins. I was still feeling like shit.

"Listen, i'm sorry about what I said a while back. I was out of line." She apologizes to me and I'm a little shocked considering she doesn't seem like the type to apologize.

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