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I moan, my body thrashing and finally I wake up. I look to my right, finding it empty and remembering that Derek was on call last night. Thank god for that. I don't need him finding me having sex dreams while we sleep.

I look at the clock and it's close to seven thirty. Derek should be home soon. Home. I smile at my own thoughts.

It's not terrible out but it's not beautiful. It's a typical drizzling day but the sun is out. A rain shower.

I think back to my sex dream and immediately feel my face become red. It was good, hell it was phenomenal and mind blowingly good. He was doing things to me in my sleep I never even knew could happen or be done. I was growing antsy here, I was ready. It had been almost seven months that I've known Derek. I wanted to have sex with him, I was ready. I felt heeled there. Surely I still had nightmares and fears that would stick with me most of my life but I've come to accept them. I don't worry too much now that I have Derek, he keeps me safe and makes me feel protected.

I hear the front door open downstairs and I decide to head down stairs. Derek is taking off his coat and shoes when I cross the foyer to the kitchen. He's looking at me as if he's seen God or something and I roll my eyes, I don't get it.

I make my way to the coffee pot and finally, I get it. Maybe it's the fact that in wearing an oversized tee shirt with a pair of panties. No pants, that's what's got him gawking. Might as well have fun with it. I smirk to myself.

"How was work?" I turn around, knowing he's standing by the island. I make my way over to him and give him a chaste kiss, standing on my tip toes to reach his lips.

"Tiring.. but it was okay. Nothing uh exciting or anything." He clears his throat and I know he's having a hard time looking anywhere else but at my ass. "Mer can you uh put some pants on please." He clears his throat again and I offer him a small smile.

"Are you tired?" I ask him innocently. His eyes widen as I walk back over to him, sitting up on the counter.

"Yes... no not really, I got some decent enough sleep." He stutters and I roll my eyes. It's as if he's never seen a pant-less woman before.

Seeing his struggling, I hop off the counter and head over to the laundry room and finding a pair of sweat pants, I put them on. "Better?" I clarify with him and he nods in response. "You're weak." I tease.

"I am anything but weak Meredith." He practically growls at me. I turn around and instead of finding his piercing blue eyes on me, I find his deep blue ones instead. He looks hungry, I'm sure my eyes mimic his.

He stalks over to me and presses me against the counter hungrily. The only thing touching me right now is his pelvis, his eyes are staring into mine and I feel the magnetic pull between us. He cups my face firmly but soft enough so that he isn't hurting me and he presses his lips to mine.

He sucks the breath out of my lungs and I hold onto him for dear life. My back arches into him so that our chests are flush against each other. My fingers are in his curls and his hand is pressing my lower back into him.

His tongue begs for entry to my mouth and I accept it, his smooth tongue slides in softly and toys with mine. His soft lips teasing me. He pulls away and looks at me and then his teeth tug at my bottom lip as he sucks it into his mouth, toying with it and my libido.

Taking the back of my thighs he lifts me up and places me on the counter, maneuvering himself between my legs. I feel his erection on my thigh and it turns me on even more.

Derek's hands find my ass and he squeezes it before he folds me in his arms, my legs around his waist. He presses me against the wall which feels all too familiar, his lips assaulting my clavicle. I moan instinctively and he licks it, blowing hot air on my neck which sends shivers throughout my body. My clit is pulsing with excitement.

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