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"You know, we should go running together." Derek suggested as I make my way back from another run.

I laugh at the idea, "Yeah right like you'd be able to keep up." I tease. I take another sip of my water and head inside, Derek of course following in toe.

"What, you don't think I can run? Try running up in the hills and mountains. You wouldn't stand a chance." He challenges. I rip off my windbreaker and run to the fridge to grab another water bottle.

"I'll take you on that challenge, if that is what you're doing." I eye him. Bring it Shepherd.

"I gotta shower. Make yourself at home if you'd like." I run up the stairs, throw my clothes off and jump in the shower. The steam feels good, opening up my pores.

I shampoo my hair and use my favorite lavender conditioner. Once I've rinsed it out I jump out of the shower and towel my hair.

I make my way down stairs and find Derek looking around. It makes me feel a little shy, as if he's judging me. He turns, "Sorry I was just looking around." I bite my lip subconsciously. "I didn't mean to snoop, I'm sorry." My eyes widen this time. How is it that he knows what I'm thinking.

"No it's uh, it's okay." I meddle with my hands again.

"So are you sure you're up for the challenge, mountain running?" He smirks, he loves playing games.

I laugh at the look on his face mainly because he looks stupid. Making a cup of black coffee I wait patiently before its done so I can pour it into my cup.

"You know where I haven't been in a while?" He asks. I turn around and join him at the island.

"Where?" I take a sip of my coffee and it's very hot, I think I burnt my tongue.

"Tully's coffee shop. In fact I used to go there every week just hoping to see you again." He admits.

"What?" I asked shocked. Every week he went there hoping to see me? Wow.

"The first time I walked in there was when I first saw you and I had to see you again. The  when you agreed to let me pay for you and sit with me I was elated. And now look at this, we're friends. We should go back there sometime. They made really good coffee." He laughs nervously.

"So.. you went there every week, just hoping to run into me again." I clarify. I have to process it. I know this man's intentions of me, it's obvious. He's a very good man. Derek could be someone I see myself with. And that scares me. I see myself with him. A long time from now but it's a possibility.

"Yes." He answers, and I smile at him. Sort of laughing at myself because I'm ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. This man before me is the closest thing to perfect. And he wants me... a flawed, disgusting, damaged goods woman. Why?

"So yesterday..." He brings up. I try to remember what yesterday was and my eyes widen as I realize what he was referring to. I immediately blush and look away.

"I don't um, I don't know what that was I'm sorry. I..." I start laughing. Go me.

"You liked it though." He answers for me. I turn and slap his arm.

"Shut up!" I reveal my embarrassment. He plays martyr and lets out an ow. "Oh that didn't hurt." I go to slap him again but he's caught on and grabs my hands, holding me in my place.

"I wouldn't want to do that again if I were you." He warns. His gleaming eyes look into mine. "You want to kiss me." He blurts out astonished.

"No, yes.. no no I don't! why would you suggest that!" I slap him again. Damn his mind reading.

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