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Sweat covers my body as I wake up tangled in the covers. I look over to my clock, telling me it's 3:23 am. Another nightmare. They haunt me, tormenting me and running my life.

I have to get up in an hour or so for work. I close my eyes, hoping sleep will overcome me.

My alarm goes off and I got no shuteye within the past hour. And now I'm grouchy. I've been working around the clock, everyday for the past  two weeks and my body is exhausted.

I step into the steaming hot shower, welcoming the comfort it brings, cleaning out every pore on my skin. I sit down, my body far too weak to stand and suddenly I'm dozing off.

Shit!! The water has ran cold and I haven't even gotten to condition my hair. Fuck it. I jump out of the shower quickly, brush my hair and throw on some semi clean clothes, how I still have some I don't know.

Entering the locker room I change quickly, finding myself lucky enough to be on time for rounds.

The interns don't like me, they don't like me because I'm friends with Derek, it's more of what they think my relationship with Derek is. I don't care that they don't like me, I'm not hear to make friends. Only to get the job done and do what I love.

I look down at my watch telling me it's a only little after ten and I let out a sigh. I can physically feel my eyes drooping. Filling out charts and doing paperwork is not fun at all.

I let out an exasperated yawn. God my handwriting looks like shit, if they can't read it I'll have to do it all over again. Hopefully focusing on having legible calligraphy will help me stay awake. Man I'm tired.

Speaking of man, Derek walks up from behind me. I don't even have to see to know it's him.

"I apologize in advance for what comes out of my mouth. I am incapable of controlling it at such a state of fatigue." I warn him. In return he laughs at me. "You better not be taking humor in this or I will kill you, I know how too you know."

"I actually just brought you some coffee seeing that you're a little sluggish today." Oh he did not. I don't know whether to be thankful for the coffee or offended for the reason he brought it for me.

I decide to let this one slide, I'm too tired to even lecture him right now. "You should feel very grateful that I'm as tired as I am right now, so tired I cannot even begin to scold you."

"Don't worry, I'm always counting my blessings with you." Ew..

My face turns sour in expression, "God Derek did you get that off the internet? That was so corny." I whine. I can hear one of the nurses behind the counter snicker at my remark which makes me feel funnier.

"I'm offended that you would make such a remark at my wonderful compliment thank you very much. No more compliments for you Meredith Grey!" And with that he's gone. Back to charting!


How I manage to even put my damned keys in the door is beyond me. Luckily Bailey let me leave early since I finished all my charts and paperwork I had to do today and there was nothing else I could do.

I place my things down on the front bureau and hang my coat up, lastly taking off my shoes. Making my way to the kitchen I grab some left over lasagna Derek and I made about four days ago. He suggested we should make a lot so that when situations like this happens, all I have to do is heat it up and eat.

Sitting down at the tv I flip through the channels. Everything is absolutely boring. I walk up stairs to my room to grab a book I've been reading, The Sun Also Rises. It's actually a good book to my dismay, I mean Derek does have terrible taste in music, one would assume it would apply to his taste in books too.

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