he kisses your neck (requested)

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A soft sigh fell from your lips as Minho kissed your neck, helping you to feel even more content than you already felt.

Today has been such a dream and just when you think things can't get better, Minho does this and each kiss is making you feel like your heart might just burst right out of your chest.

It's been far too long since you've been able to go on vacation together and since he finally has a little free time, he was insistent that you take a trip together to somewhere you've always dreamt of going - Bali.

The weather is so warm and the waters are so clear and so beautiful.

Minho went all out for this trip too, planning unforgettable activities for you to do together for the next several days and making sure that you had plenty of time to catch up on quality time together, something that you don't get as often as you both wish since his schedule is so hectic.

You've had the most amazing day since arriving early this afternoon and now that it's almost midnight and the day is basically over, you can't think of a more perfect way to end it than this.

Every brush of his fingertips on your skin makes you weak and brings you the most amazing rush through your veins, almost like electricity is going across your body.

You opened your eyes when he pulled away and moved up to put his forehead against yours.

"Why'd you stop?" You asked and watched him smile. "I love it when you kiss my neck."

"I know and I'll keep doing it in a minute but I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I've missed you and make sure you know how much you mean to me."

You stared into his soft brown eyes and swear that you had never felt such love for anyone in your life.

You swear that he's the softest and sweetest human being to exist and is more perfect than words could ever express.

He's constantly showering you with love and even after being together for over a year now, he continues to sweep you off of your feet and treat you like a queen every single day.

He's the most amazing, gentle, loving, and beautiful person you've ever known and every time you look at him, you can't help but wonder what you ever did to deserve him because he's everything you've ever wanted and dreamt of.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked as he brushed his fingers across your cheek.

"Just how lucky I am." You said with a smile. "I'm so lucky to be yours and to call you mine. Sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming. You're just so amazing and I'm so in love with you."

"I feel the same way about you." He said before putting his lips on yours. "I'm sorry it's taken so long for us to come here. I've been wanting to bring you here forever now but things just are so crazy with the boys and-"

"Hey," You interrupted and watched his eyes fill with adoration as you looked at him. "You know I understand all of that. I understand everything you go through and I support you always. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, baby," He said before kissing you again. "Alright, let's forget about everything else in the world right now. Forget about work and schedules and life back home. Let's just enjoy the next few days here in Bali. It's warm and romantic and I want to cherish every second with you."

"I don't know how I'm going to sleep while I'm here."

He chuckled before kissing the corners of your lips.

"We don't have to sleep much, baby. I think we have lots of things we could do instead."

You playfully hit his shoulder.

"I meant sightseeing, swimming, and other fun things! We're in Bali, there's lots to do, baby!" He defended and laughed as you rolled your eyes at him.

"Sure, handsome."

He smiled before his lips fell against your neck again, leaving soft kisses across every inch, especially the spot that made you feel incredible every time his lips brushed against it.

"You're so beautiful. I swear I could kiss your neck forever and ever."

His name left your lips softly as he left a couple of love bites there on your neck.

"Please do."

He chuckled before he continued to speak soft and loving words to you as his lips stayed on your soft skin.

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I'm so in love with you. I swear, Y/N, my heart is just going to explode someday. You're perfect." He whispered and you were overwhelmed with love in the best way. "We'll come back here someday soon for our honeymoon."

"Honeymoon?" You repeated with a smile. "You haven't even proposed yet."

"I'll change that very soon. Who knows? Maybe I'll change that on this trip. Tonight, tomorrow,  the last day of our vacation. You never know."

You laughed and basked in a few more neck kisses before whispering,

"Kiss me."

"Happily." He replied before his lips were back on yours.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said against your lips before rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him, your lips back on his just a second later. "Let's stay here forever."

"Okay." You chuckled against his lips before pulling away to kiss his jaw, only for him to stop you.

"I don't think so." He said before shifting around so his lips were on your neck again. "Not right now. Let me just keep doing this for a while, for as long as you want. I've missed kissing your neck. I never want to stop now."

You hummed contentedly and let your eyes close in bliss.

Being on cloud nine too much to be here in Bali with each other, being so happy to finally have some time together, and being so caught up in your love for one another, you knew the chances of getting any sleep tonight were slim to none.

But you didn't care at all.

You wanted to spend every second with him, cherishing your time with him after not being able to have much of that with him lately and if you didn't sleep for the next two nights you wouldn't care.

All you wanted was Minho.

And you knew that all he wanted was you.

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