Chapter 2

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An ambulance screams down the street and paramedics circle around Genevieve. "What have we got?!" I watch as they strap a neck brace on her. "Let's get her on the stretcher!" They carefully move her onto the stretcher and roll her into the ambulance. I pull out my badge and show it to them.

"This girl is under our protection. I'm coming with you." The paramedic barely glances at my badge before nodding. We get into the back and the doors close. The paramedic asks me what information I have about her. "Her name is Genevieve Marloy, she was hit by a car. The driver hit her going seventy miles an hour. He didn't even slow down. He just kept going." He checks her pulse and writes something down on a notepad.

"Her pulse is very strong, which is a good sign." He pauses for a moment and then looks back up at me. "He just kept going? Didn't even slow down?" I shake my head and he begins to check for broken bones. "Seems like we've got some broken ribs, broken left leg, and a fractured collar bone. She is actually very lucky that she has only these. However, we won't be able to check for internal injuries or brain damage until we get to the emergency room." Genevieve groans and tries to move her head. "Woah, hey, you can't move your head kiddo. Can you hear me?"

"What happened? Where am I?" I grab her hand as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Genevieve, I'm Agent Gibbs, I'm the person you were talking to before you were hit. Do you remember the accident?" She tries to nod, but the brace stops her from moving. "Don't try to move your head, and try to do as little amount of talking as you can. Blink once for yes and twice for no. Do you remember the accident?" She blinks. "Do you know who was driving the car that hit you?" She hesitates, but blinks again. "Was it the man that the state took you away from?" This time I don't get a response and I know I have hit a nerve. "Genevieve, I have seen the file that your foster mother kept in her office. Was it him?" With teary eyes she blinked. "Okay, we will find him and put him away for good. In the meantime an agent will be outside your hospital room twenty-four seven."

We pull into the emergency room drive in and the door is thrown open. "No, Gibbs, don't let them take me!" Paramedics pull the stretcher out and Genevieve starts to try to pull away. "No! Don't touch me! Gibbs!" I jump out of the ambulance and rush over to a panicking girl. "Nonononononono! Don't do this to me again! Please!" I try to say something to her but when we get into the building the voices overlap.

"We've got fourteen year old Genevieve Malroy. She was hit by a car. Original assessment shows that she has a broken left tibia, broken ribs and a broken clavicle. She seems to be having a nervous breakdown possibly due to post traumatic stress. We need a sedative!" At the statement Genevieve's panic attack took to a whole new level. She unbuckles her neck brace and tries to jump off the stretcher. I grab her as she falls to the floor and she tries to pull away from me. "Someone!"

A nurse runs up to us with a small syringe and Genevieve fought against my arms. "Sir, I need you to hold her still so that I can administer the sedative." She looks at me with terrified eyes and still tries to pull against me. I hold her arm out and the nurse quickly pokes it into her arm. The sedative quickly takes hold and she looks at me.

"Please don't let them do this to me again Gibbs." Her eyes close and her head leans into my shoulder. The paramedics carefully lift her from my arms and place her back on the stretcher. I watch as she is rolled away and I suddenly feel an emptiness. When she fell asleep against me I felt a fatherly bond with her similar to the one I had with Kelly...

I suddenly realize I am still sitting on the floor and stand up abruptly. I go to the reception desk and show my badge to the nurse. "Do you know where they will take the girl who just had a nervous breakdown after a car accident?" She nods.

"They would first address her injuries and do the tests while she is under. After that if no emergency operation is needed, then they will admit her to the Psych Ward for an assessment." I nod and quickly ask if she knows the first place she will be taken. "Honestly sir, I have no idea. But I cannot permit you to go back there. The best I can do for you is let you know when she's admitted and in the computer." I want to make an asshole comment about how I need to go back there now, but figure it will be better for Genevieve if I wait.

"Alright, thank you." She give me a sleepy smile like I have made her day.

"You're welcome sir, I'm sorry I can't do more. You can have a seat over there if you like." The motions towards the corner of the room where some chairs are set aside. The emergency room is surprisingly empty and I walk over and sit in a blue chair. My phone rings and I pull it out.

"Yeah, this is Gibbs." Tony's voice come through.

"Hey, boss, I was looking through the researcher's computer files and came across a locked folder called the 'Eveiveneg Project'. Since the file is locked I'm bringing the computer to Abby to see if she can work her magic." There is a pause. "Boss, do you think that maybe this is what he and his wife were killed for?"

"Depends on the contents of that file. Honestly, I think we have something that may be way over our heads this time. I think Genevieve plays a huge part in this."

"You think she's guilty?"

"No, I don't think she's guilty. But I think the man that hit her with the car might be."

"Oh yeah, how is she by the way?"

"Well, from the ambulance assessment, only a few broken bones. But when she came into the hospital she had a panic attack and had to be sedated. I'm waiting for them to finish that and put her in a room and in the computer so I can question her. Keep me posted on the search for that car and the opening of the file."

"Will do boss." I hang up and now all I can do is wait.

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