Chapter 15

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Gibbs' P.O.V 

I peek into Genevieve's room on my way down the stairs. But when I look in, her bed is made and she is no where to be found. The smell of pancakes floats up the stairs and I narrow my eyes as I walk down into the kitchen. Genevieve looks up at me and smiles. 

"Morning. I figured pancakes with fruit would be an acceptable breakfast." She hands me a cup of coffee and continues to make pancakes. 

"Is it a special occasion?" She shakes her head and just continues to cook. "I didn't even realize that you could cook."

"There's a lot about me that you don't know." She puts a plate on the table and motions towards it. "Sit down and eat." I take my seat and cut into a pancake.  I put it in my mouth. "Wow, this is really good. It's nice and fluffy." She smiles and sits herself down with a plate. She starts to eat and  I look over at her. There are bags under her eyes. 

"How'd you sleep last night?" She looks up from her plate and shrugs. "Did you have nightmares again?" She looks back down at her plate and nods. "Why didn't you come and get me?" 

"I didn't want to bother you. It was not a big deal, Gibbs." 

"Hmm, were you able to fall back asleep afterwards?" She moves her mouth and I quickly interject. "Just to make myself clear, I know when you are lying." She closes her mouth into a tight line and shakes her head. "Then it was a big deal. How early did you wake up?" 

"Midnight. It's always midnight." I sigh and she moves her hair out of her face. "I can't explain it, it's almost like one of those things that was programmed into me." 

"Programmed to have nightmares at midnight? That seems a bit far fetched." She looks at me smartly. 

"Oh, as far fetched as being programmed to cut from a certain look?" I chuckle softly and she smiles. "Gibbs, I told you I have a unique brain structure! I showed you my abilities on more than one occasion! You have never said anything was far fetched until now." I sigh and continue eating my pancakes. I then take a sip of my coffee, and look at my cup. "Too strong?" 

"Nope. Just right, just wondering how the hell you handle it." She smiles and takes a sip out of her cup. 

"I am very well versed with strong coffee. Another one of the things I gained during the project. My supervisors would give me coffee to keep me from sleeping, to see if that would affect my reaction and my abilities." I look up at her again, and find her staring down at her coffee. The more that I am learning about what has been done to her, the more I realize that her broken eyes actually reflect her innermost feelings. 


"Oh, I have to finish off the pancake mix. I'll just go finish that." She jumps from her seat and rushes into the kitchen. I sigh and debate on following her. She has been very distracted lately. My phone buzzes and I flip it open. 

"This is Gibbs." 

"Hello, Special Agent Gibbs." I look towards the kitchen to make sure that Genevieve is busy at work finishing the pancakes. 

"Who is this, and how did you get this number?" Someone laughs on the other end and I fight with myself about raising my voice. 

"Oh, believe me, it was easy enough to get. I just called to chat. So, how is our dear Genevieve doing? Having any nightmares?"  I feel my breath catch in my chest and I can almost see the smile on his face. "Tell Genevieve that I look forward to seeing her shortly." 

"The hell you will." There is one last laugh and then the line goes dead. I stare at my phone and then a gun shot sounds through the house."Genevieve!" I run into the kitchen and she runs into me in the door way. Her eyes are wide and she searches mine. 

"I heard a gun shot. What was that?!" I don't answer her and I pull her to me. "Gibbs, what's wrong?" I shake my head and just stand there holding her. It is hard to let her go, but eventually I pull away and grab my phone again. "Gibbs?" I hold up a hand to silence her as the phone rings. "Who are you calling?" 

"McGee, a someone just called my phone. Can you trace it?" I hear the gears grinding in his head and can almost hear the clacking against the keys on the keyboard. 

"I might be able to if it is still on. What's the number?" I quickly recite it to him and there is a pause before a strained silence consumes the other line. "Boss, the phone is on your street. Why did this person call you? Who was it?" I hang up the phone and grab my coat. I also grab Genevieve's off the coat rack and throw it to her. 

"We are leaving, now." I ignore her protests and push her out the door. Something is up, and I am going to figure out what. 

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