Chapter 23

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I watch Gibbs' face pale as he sets the phone back on the hook. His hands are shaking as he writes something down on a notepad. "McGee, will you trace this number please?" 

"Sure boss. Was it Lowe?" McGee grabs the note and sits back and begins to clack at his keyboard. 

"No, McGee, it wasn't Lowe. I would hope that he isn't dumb enough to call me here. Hope he wouldn't be dumb enough to call me at all."

I stand up and walk over to Gibbs' desk. "Gibbs, who was that? Are you okay?"

He refuses to look at me. His face quickly smooths out, and he looks back at me with a placid expression. "It's nothing you need to worry about Genevieve. If anything, I think that maybe it will be a good thing." 

I cross my arms and sigh heavily. "Dammit Gibbs, stop lying to me! I know that someone called you. Someone that is scaring you. Why won't you tell me?" I feel anger welling up inside of my chest, begging to burst out. One slip could kill everyone in the room. And Gibbs could see it building.

"Genevieve, you need to calm down. You have been extremely fragile lately, and I don't want this to hurt you if it isn't what it's suppose to be. I'm not trying to keep anything from you, I'm only trying to protect you." 

I lift the coffee cup from his desk with my mind and slam it into the wall across the room. "I can protect myself Gibbs. So dammit, you better tell me what the hell is going on."

He stands up and grips my arm. "You can't be in here right now, you need to be somewhere safe enough for you to calm down. Somewhere where you can't hurt yourself, or anyone else." 

"Like where, a padded cell? I'm not crazy Gibbs."

"No, you're just upset. I need you to stay out of the action until you can calm down. Interigation will do just fine."

"Why not autopsy or Abby's lab?"

"Please, just stay there for now."


The elevator dings and the doors slide open. Gibbs and I were about to walk into the elevator when a curly red haired lady bumps into me. 

When I see her face I back away and feel sick. "No, you- you can't be here. Y-You're dead." 

She puts her hands in front on her and begins to walk towards me. "No Genevieve, that's what they wanted you to think. Hell, that's what they think. I'm not dead though, I'm here, in the flesh." 

Gibbs moves in between us and shields me. "Who are you? How do you know Genevieve?"

She sighs and pulls out a badge, handing it to Gibbs. "My name is June Harrow, I'm a licensed therapist. Or, I was, before Lowe tried to have me killed. Now, Agent Gibbs, I assume you know everything about the Project, and what it is they do. That also means that you are aware of who I am. Now, step aside and let me take care of my patient." 

Gibbs sighs and looks back at me. "Genevieve, this is what I didn't want to tell you. I knew that she was coming, but I wanted to make sure she was who she said she was."

I watch with wide eyes as Gibbs moves to the side and allows the lady to step towards me. "You need to stay away from me. You can't be June, because she is dead. Dead and buried, I was at her funeral."

"Yes, a rather lovely service if I remember correctly. What will it take to convince you of my identity?" 

"Tell me where I have my worst scar, and then tell me what it's from." 

She sighs and crosses her arms over her chest. "If by worst, you mean biggest, that would be on your back. You got it falling from a tree when you were a kid. And then, if you mean worst as in the worst back story, that would be the scar on your stomach from where one of the men working with the Project stabbed you." She uncrosses her arms. "Did I pass the test?"

I turn to Gibbs. "I need a few minutes alone."

"Okay, first hand it over." He sticks his hand out and scoffs at my wide eyes. "Don't act dumb with me, hand it over."

I sigh and pull the pocket knife out of my pocket. "Now can I go?" I step past him as he nods. I walk in a daze, eventually finding myself in the bathroom. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and a memory stands on the edge of my mind. Something about June's supposed death. But I couldn't remember. And that scared me. 

A.N: Sorry it's taken so long to update and sorry it's sort of crappy. Will edit at some point.

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