Chapter 5

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Tony pulls into the garage at NCIS where Abby and the Director are waiting for us. I go to open Genevieve's door and I notice blood all over her hands. "I thought you said you weren't hit!"

"I wasn't. I got cut from trying to pull broken glass out of my hair. I am fine, some water and bandages will fix me right up." I move aside to let her step out of the back. After Abby releases Tony from her death grip, she turns and looks over Genevieve.

"Oh, wow. You have the most gorgeous eyes, so green." She comes over and wraps Genevieve in a hug.

"Abby, leave the poor girl alone." Jenny looks at me and walks over as Abby releases her. "Gibbs, we have a problem. The Officer overseeing that project on the victim's computer, he's in my office demanding that Genevieve be released into his custody." Genevieve shakes her head and backs into me. I place hands on her shoulders.

"We can't allow that to happen. I don't know exactly what they were doing to her, but I do know that we cannot give her back to them." Jenny smiles and I know she knows more than she's telling.

"That's why I told them that as of this morning we have no idea where she is. She got discharged from the hospital and we haven't seen her since." I smile at her and she looks at Genevieve. "You do have very pretty eyes. Hi, I'm Director Shepard, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her gaze diverts back to me. "Take her down to Dr. Mallard and get her cleaned up. Ziva is working on getting a hold of her social worker."

She walks away from us and I take Genevieve to autopsy. "Hey Ducky! Got some time to patch up some cut up hands?" Ducky turns on his chair as we enter.

"Of course, Jethro. Ah, you must be Genevieve, it is a pleasure to meet you my dear. Come sit in my chair while I clean you up." Genevieve sits in the chair and Ducky pulls out a first aid kit. "Well, you have no glass in these, which is very good. This might sting a little." He grabs some hydrogen peroxide and cleans her hands. He then takes some gauze and wraps her hands. "There we go, all done. Would you like a chocolate bar?"

I smile as Ducky hands her the bar and she smiles. "Thank you Dr. Mallard." He waves her off.

"Please, call me Ducky. Everyone on the team does." She smiles and nods. "So, dear, are you absolutely certain that you have no other injuries?" Her smile fades. "Sorry for prying, I realize that you have had a very eventful day." He walks over to me. "Gibbs, maybe you should take her somewhere that she can rest. She has had a very long day and it may be best to allow her some time."

"That's my plan Duck." The door slides open and the Director walks in, her heals clacking angrily on the floor. "Hello again, Director. What's up?"

"The FBI has issued a warrant for Genevieve's arrest. Charged with murdering her foster parents." Genevieve looks over at us and stands.

"What?! They think I murdered my family. I could never hurt anybody!" I walk over to her and she has tears streaming down her face. "Gibbs, you have to believe me, I didn't kill them. Please." She starts to sob and I wrap her in a hug. "I would never hurt them, never."

"Tell it to the judge, kid." Genevieve pulls away from me as Fornell walks into Autopsy with two other officers behind him. "Genevieve Malroy, you are under arrest for the murder of Researcher Jacob Krusky and his wife Marcy. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law." The two officers grab her arms and cuff her wrists.

"I didn't kill them! I didn't kill them! No!" She screams as they drag her out of Autopsy.

"Fornell!" I stop them before they can get in the elevator. "I want to know what evidence you have to back this up. What possible evidence can you have to convict a fourteen year old of murder?" Fornell scoffs.

"She's got motive, Jethro. This Eveiveneg Project is motive enough, seeing some of the things that they did to her, well, that's enough to motivate anyone for murder."

"But you don't have evidence. You can't arrest a child for a motive alone. Release her and then you can come back with evidence and then we will talk." I have a stare down with him and he sighs. He motions for the officers to uncuff Genevieve and she runs behind me.

"This ain't  over Gibbs. She murdered them and I am going to prove it."

"She's innocent until proven guilty Fornell. Don't ever forget that." He sighs and enters the elevator, and then the doors shut. "Okay, Genevieve, now it is time to explain everything to me." I turn to her and she sighs.

"Do I have to be in an interrogation room?"

"No, come on, let's get you somewhere safe and where we can talk without being interrupted." She nods and we walk out to my car, driving off.

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