Chapter 24

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Gibbs and I sit across from June in the conference room. I had suggested we take her to interagation, but Gibbs told me that was too extreme. 

"So, Agent Gibbs, how did you come to know Genevieve? I have been so drastically out of the loop that I'm afraid I haven't been up to date on news for a while." 

"Well, her foster parents were found murdered in their home. Then Genevieve was hit by a car. She then stayed with me until she was kidnapped by Lowe. She has been staying with me ever since."

"Wait, Lowe kidnapped her? When did this happen? Why did you allow this to happen?" June looks between Gibbs and I. Then her eyes rest on my hair. "And you allowed her to do that with her hair?"

I leaned forward, my arms crossed. "Look, it isn't Gibbs fault that Lowe kidnapped me. He had his goons ambush me while I was out at lunch with Abby."

Gibbs looks at me, and then to June. "And as for the hair, I had no idea what she did until after she did it. And I happen to think that it suits her."

"Well, I'm not saying it doesn't suit her, I'm just surprised, that's all." She looks at me. "Genevieve, I am in no way trying to say that it's his fault that Lowe took you. I'm just concerned about it. You know very well what Lowe would've done to you."

I shivered. "Yes, I'm very much aware of what he would've done. He would've sold me off to the highest bidder..." I begin to shake.

Gibbs puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, we aren't going to let that happen to you." He turns to June. "Alright, you have some questions to answer. Were you aware that there are others like Genevieve out there?"

June nods. "Yes, of course, all of the girls we had in the Project are like Genevieve. They all have the same brain structure, except for one key difference-"

"The Limbic System. Yeah, we know, our ME determined that. We have the body of a woman downstairs who came in and shot the place up. She was here for Genevieve. Only problem, the guns she used weren't loaded, and they were still shooting bullets. Did and MRI, and found out that she is normal. Ever seen that?"

June looked confused. "Well, not in person. Before the Project tried to have me killed, they were talking about starting to experiment with the blood of the girls. Trying to inject their blood into normal people to give them abilities. But it was just talk."

"Well, it might not be anymore. I think they went through with experimentation, and they succeeded."

"Wait..." I sit up straight as blurry images start to play out in front of me. "I think I remember that. I remember, sitting in a chair, strapped in, and they were pulling blood. They said it was to make sure I wasn't sick, but I never believed them. That was the night-" I looked up at June. "That was the night that you were suppose to have died."

She nods. "Yes, I'm well aware of that. Genevieve, did they give you a shot before or after getting the blood?"

"Not that I remember."

She leans forward with a shocked expression. "Do you remember anything from that night? After the blood?" 

"Well, no. I remember waking up the next morning, and Lowe was sitting by my bed. He told me what happened to you, or what he thought happened to you, and then he said he was proud of me. That I was his most prized subject." I look at June and demand an answer with my stare. 

June looks a Gibbs with a sorrowful expression. "Agent Gibbs, can I have a word in private?"

Gibbs nods and points to the door. 

Gibbs' POV 

I watch as Genevieve steps out of the conference room, and then look at June. "Okay, you got the privacy. What do you have to say that you can't say in front of Genevieve?"

"The night that I was suppose to die, Lowe came to my house. He had Genevieve and another woman with him. Genevieve... wasn't herself. Her eyes were all glossy, and I had assumed that the other woman was controlling her." She sighs and lifts her shirt up to reveal jagged scars on her stomach. "Lowe told me that my services were no longer required, that it was stupid of me to try to save the girls, because they were too far gone to save. And then he ordered Genevieve to kill me." She pulls her shirt back down and tears fill her eyes. "Genevieve is a good girl Agent Gibbs, as you well know. She didn't want to do it, but she was being controlled."

I sigh and close my eyes, trying to let go of the image of Genevieve stabbing the person who just earlier she was crying about. "How do you know she was being controlled?"

"Her movements were choppy, almost robotic. Her eyes were super glossy, and for a moment, just a small moment when she had thought I was dead, I saw the horror in her eyes. She fell down next to me and cried, begging for me to forgive her, and to not die. She told me that she didn't mean to. She doesn't know what she did Agent Gibbs, and she can't know. It would destroy her."

"I know she would never hurt someone intentionally, but I have to consider the possibility that maybe she-"

"That maybe she killed her parents? That's impossible! You know that!"

"Yes, but the truth is, we never really asked her what her alibi was for the time of her parent's deaths."

"Please don't do this to her. Please. She has lost all trust in me, and if she loses trust in you too, then we may lose her. And not to the Project. Grief and self doubt can be deadly."

"I know. But I have to ask her."

"And you're willing to risk her losing faith in you and in herself? You're willing to risk the possibility of her damaged soul finally having enough? You're willing to risk her life?"

"No, I'm not. But I have to."

June crosses her arms. "Well I hope that you don't find her body tomorrow with a suicide note."

"Well hey, that's what we have you for. You're the shrink, Doc."

"Well, are you going to bring her back in?"

"Nah, I'm gonna ask her where there's not that many places to hide."

"And that would be?"

"My house." 

"That's not professional."

"No, but she's comfortable there. I'm in the process of legally adopting her, so I would hope she feels safe there. And it will be low key. No pressure."

"I hope you're right."

"Believe me, so  do I."

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