Chapter 9

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"Abby! Need a favor!" Abby turns as we walk in. She smiles at me and then looks at me. "I need you to hang out with Genevieve today while we work on the case." I expect Abby to become bummed at the fact that she gets stuck with babysitting, but she actually seems excited. 

"Of course, oh great one. We will have so much fun!" Gibbs laughs and pats me on the shoulder. As he walks out Abby is beckoning me to her computer. "You know, ever since I saw you yesterday I have been thinking of all the cool stuff that we could do with your hair. I'm thinking blue purple. Which both colors will go great with your eyes. I was thinking that since we are hanging out today that we can go and get it done." She shows me a picture on the computer and I smile. 

"Wow, I really like that! Only one problem, I don't know anyone who can do this." She waves me off. 

"Oh, I know a guy." She prints out a picture and starts to shut down all of her tech. 

"Wait, don't you need to stay here? What if there is something you need to do for the case?" She turns to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Come on, the case can live without me for a few hours. Come, your new hair is waiting." We giggle and run over to the elevator. Tony comes out as we are walking in. "Hey Tony, we're going out." Tony looks at me. 

"Gibbs wants you down in interrogation for a few minutes. He wants to see if you can get Lowe to talk." He sees my horrified expression and quickly explains. "No, you don't have to talk to him, you just have to be in the room with Gibbs. He won't let anything happen to you." I turn to look at Abby. 

"I have to do this first, then we can go out." I smile weakly at her and we all get into the elevator. As we go down I feel my stomach twisting into knots. He leads me down the hall to a door labeled interrogation and he opens it for me. I step in and am greeted by gazes from Gibbs and Lowe. "Tony said you wanted me down here." 

"Actually, it was me that wanted you down here. I said I would only talk to you." Gibbs pulls another chair next to him and motions towards it. I sit down and Lowe smiles at me. "Well Genevieve, you sure had us worried. When we heard about the tragic death of Richard and Marcy, we feared that you too were among the fallen. So glad to know that you can come back." 

"The hell she can. She is not going back to that damn project." Lowe's smile drops and his eyes fill with hate. 

"I don't believe that I was talking to you. I am trying to have a conversation with the test subject." My blood begins to bubble and words are flying out before I can stop them. 

"I'm not your damn test subject anymore! I am a kid who just wants to live the rest of her years as a child. I want to live out the child hood that you stole from me." Lowe's eyes change from hateful to cunning. I start to feel anxiety creeping into me. Eventually it will get so bad that I will have to cut to stop it. As he continues to stare at me, the anxiety keeps building. Go now and cut like a good little girl. You remember what happens when you disobey. 

At this statement I shoot out of my chair and throw open the door. I run down the hallway and ignore the shouts. I find a group of sliding glass doors and find myself in what appears to be autopsy. I look around for Duckie, but he is no where to be seen. I rush over to the tools a pull a scalpel out. Usually I don't cut with anything like this, but this time I have to. I lift up my shirt and am about to bring it to my stomach when someone grabs my arm. 

"No!" I struggle against the grip, but the scalpel is knocked out of my hand and I fall to the ground. I continue to struggle. "Stop! He will do much worse to me if I don't, please! He did it before and he won't be afraid to do it again. Please!"

"Genevieve, stop!" I stop in shock as I realize that Gibbs is the one that is holding me. I start to sob and Gibbs hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head. "Hey, it's okay. I've got you. I've got you." I look up as Duckie walks in. He stops when he sees us and the scalpel on the ground. 

"Oh dear, this is a predicament." He picks up the scalpel and moves it to a locked drawer. "Best to put that where you can't get to it." Gibbs slowly pulls me to me feet and then he turns me to face him. 

"What happened Genevieve? What did he do?" 

"If I may, it almost seems as though the poor girl was acting out of habit. Like a command was programmed into her brain. A certain look, and she was to harm herself or risk a harsher punishment. Given the nature of her abilities, I am guessing maybe a telepathic connection was made." Gibbs sighs and has me sit down on the table. 

"Genevieve, please lift up your shirt. I want to see how much damage we are talking about over the years." I slowly lift it and he sighs as he sees several years worth of scars and cuts overlapping each other. I gasp and let my shirt drop as I see blood on his sleeve. 

"You got cut." I take his arm and grip his wrist with one hand and let the other one hover over the cut. I concentrate and the cut on his arm seals, only to reappear on my arm. I grit my teeth to avoid crying out, but it is quickly gone. I release him and he stares at me. "I can heal people too." 

"Yea, at your expense. You take other people's injuries away and transfer them to you." 

"But I heal quickly, remember?" As I speak the cut closes. "The scars on my stomach don't heal because I don't allow them to. It's part of what I have to do. I can't explain why, Gibbs, so please don't ask me to." He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug. That's when Abby walks in. 

"Hey, Genevieve, are you okay?" I pull away from Gibbs and nod. 

"Yea, Abby, I'm fine. That was just a little harder than I expected. But I am ready to go out now." She smiles and I hop off the table. Gibbs grabs Abby's arm before we head out. 

"Don't let her out of your sight." She nods and we make our way out of the building and to the parking lot. 

"Okay, so, off to your new do." We smile at each other as we get into her herse and drive away from NCIS.  

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