Chapter 11

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"McGee!" His head shoots back up and looks around with wide eyes. "Were you sleeping on the job again?" He shakes his head and struggles to talk. "Spit it out." 

"Boss, it was Genevieve. She and Abby are in trouble." I stand straight and  look away. "She communicated with me telepathically, as you told us she can. She told me that her and Abby were grabbed outside of a chinese place on Main Street. She doesn't know where the men are taking them or what they plan to do with them." I look at Tony. 

"Get me the survalience footage from every chinese place on that street, I want to know who took them!" I sit back at my desk and McGee stands in front of me. 

"Boss, there's something else. About Genevieve." I look up at him and wait for him to continue. "It seems as though when she heals someone and takes it into herself, or whenever she heals an injury with her abilities, they never actually go away. The build up inside of her. And she thinks that these men might try to bring it out of her." 

"What kind of damage are we talking about that could be inflicted on her?" He sighs. 

"She said that the amount of pain and injuries would most likely kill her. But she would rather take that than to harm someone else." Now I sigh and smack my computer as it freezes on me. "I'm sorry boss." 

"It's not your fault McGee. I never should have given Abby permission to take her out of the building. This is my fault. Did she give us anything else?" 

"She said it was the guys in the black van. Oh, and that Abby's phone and car are still at the restaurant." I try to hold back a yell. We can't figure out where they are if we can't trace a phone. "Should we bring the Director in on this one? Her resources might be enough to find them before something bad happens." 

"Let me guess, you lost her?" I look as Jenny walks up to my desk. "You knew that she was in danger and yet you let her leave the building with Abby?" 

"I believed that the people who have been tailing us since we left the hospital wouldn't make a move until she was alone. It was my mistake and dammit, I could have put there lives in danger. But I am going to find them. I have to." Suddenly I feel an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. "Hey, McGee, how did it feel when Genevieve tried to contact you?" 

"I suddenly felt really tired. Like I was going to fall asleep." I nod and grip the desk for support. Jenny looks at me. 

"Jethro? Is she trying to contact you? Open the connection, allow her to communicate with you." I close my eyes and allow the exhaustion to wash over me. When I open my eyes I am standing in front of a blue haired Genevieve. She sobs and runs to me, throwing her arms around me. I wrap her in a hug and shush her quietly. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'm going to find you, but I need you to tell me all you know." 

"Gibbs, I'm so scared! They came out of no where! They grabbed Abby and I. Then they threw us in the back of the van." I pull her away and hold her face in my hands. 

"I need you to tell me what you know. Do you remember directions or maybe how far you went?" Her face smooths into one of concentration. 

"Right after the van started moving we went left. Then we went for probably about five minutes before turning left again. Then we took four quick rights. Then right after that we turned left and didn't change direction anymore. When they stopped it appeared to be an abandoned house. It was in the middle of a field. That's all I can tell you." 

"That's good, kid. We can find you based on that." She sniffles and I can see that she is holding tears in. 

"It's Lowe, Gibbs. He's behind all of this. He's trying to make me hurt people in the room. He hurt Abby. I healed her, but Gibbs, I don't know how long we have before he tries to do something worse. Please-" She is cut off by the sound of a slamming door echoing around us. She looks at me pleadingly. "Please hurry!" 

"No!" I gasp and I am suddenly back in the squad room with McGee, Jenny, Tony, Ziva, and Duckie staring at me with wide eyes. "Get me a map, now!" Tony pulls up one on the plasma and I stand up. "Make it so that the restaurant is zoomed in." He readjusts the map and I follow the path Genevieve described to me with my eyes. I come to and empty area and I point to it. "They are being held in a house in this area. McGee, is there any way to see what is there?"

"I will see if I can get satelite imagery." He runs to his computer and starts to clack away. Jenny watches my face as I look at Tony and Ziva. 

"We need to make sure that we come at that house from all sides and we do it quietly. We don't want any trigger happy bastards killing them." They nod and begin to gear up. I look at Jenny. "Is there something you would like to say to me, Director." She sighs. 

"Just find them and bring them home safely." She walks away and Duckie sighs. 

"Timothy informed me of her ability to heal and the predicament that causes. Am I correct to assume that there is the possibility that we could find her, if not, her and Abby dead?" I shake my head. 

"No, we will get there in time." 

"Boss, I think I found it. Looks like an abandoned house just off the highway." I tell everyone to gear up and we are out the door. As we get in the car and I start driving, I begin to pray that we get there in time. 

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