Chapter 19

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I groan slightly as my mind begins to start working again. The taste of metal in my mouth makes my stomach turn violently. I slowly open my eyes and try to remember what happened. I remember someone in a mask looking for me, and then the pain of something sharp being shot at me. Then nothing. I quietly assess my surroundings, but I don't recognize where I am. I've never been in here before. 

"Good morning, my dear. How are you feeling?" 

I turn my head and see that Duckie is sitting next to me in a chair. "I have this awful taste in my mouth. I feel sleepy. Duckie, where am I?"

"After you were hit with the tranquilizer the Director suggested that we move you somewhere you could sleep in peace. She had us move you into her office, and she forwarded all of her calls to M-TAC. Gibbs asked me to keep an eye on you and to let him know when you woke up." 

I look back at the ceiling at the sound of Gibbs' name. "He thinks I'm dangerous now." I sit up slowly, sniffling. "And he has every right to think that now. You all do. Not only did I hurt Gibbs and almost hurt you, but I killed someone." I gasp as the sickening realization strikes me. "Oh my god. Duckie, I killed someone..." 

He shakes his head and grips my arms lightly. "Genevieve, that woman would've killed us if you hadn't taken action. She was armed and wounded several people on her way up here. You did what you had to do."

I yank my arms away from him and stand, rushing to the other side of the room. "Duckie, I didn't do what I had to do. There had to have been another way. I killed someone. I took someone's life, and it didn't need to be taken!" My body begins to shake. "I killed someone! What happens if I loose control of my powers again, only this time I hurt someone I love! What then Duckie?!" 

"Genevieve, you need to calm down. You are putting too much blame on yourself. You did what any of us would've done. You made a judgement call, and a rather great one at that. The person that you shot, has been linked to several dozen murder cases."

"What? She was a murderer?"

"Yes, now do you see why you can't blame yourself for this? She had the capability to murder us all, without even thinking. You stopped her from doing that." He slowly takes a step towards me, assessing my reactions. "She was after you. For all we know you were her next victim, and then how would the rest of us feel. We would've wished that someone had pulled the trigger while they had the chance." He is now right in front of me. "Do you see what I am trying to explain to you?" 

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I nod slowly. "Duckie, I know you are trying to justify my actions so that I won't feel guilty about what I did. But, it still doesn't change the fact that I killed someone. I swore I would never use my powers to hurt someone, and I broke that." 

He shushes me and wraps his arms around me. "Genevieve, it isn't easy taking a life. Gibbs will tell you that. Even if they are the worst person in the entire world, it isn't easy. The remorse it what separates us from them. Even if we know that we did a service to the world by killing someone, there is always going to be a part of us that wonders if there was another way." 

"He's right." 

I pull away from Duckie and find Gibbs standing in the door way. 

"I got a call from Cynthia, saying that there was some yelling. She called me assuming you were awake. I got up here as soon as I could." He walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "It isn't your fault what happened down there. If you hadn't pulled the trigger, I would've. Because that person was threatening my family. And no one threatens them." He  pulls me into a hug and gently rubs my hair. "By the way, I never told you that I really like what you did with your hair."

I laugh despite my tears and feel a weight come off of my shoulders. "It was Abby's idea, you should tell her that."

"Well, you were the one who agreed to it." 

I smile into his shoulder and sigh. "Yeah, I guess I am. Gibbs, thank you." 

He pulls away and looks at me with confused eyes. "Thank you for what?" 

"Everything." I turn to Duckie. "Thank you too. Thanks for talking me down. That could've gotten messy." 

He smiles. "It was my pleasure. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have an autopsy to do. So, we shall reschedule our start date for getting that energy out tomorrow, alright?" 

"You got it Duckie." 

He smiles and leaves me and Gibbs standing in the Director's office. 

"Gibbs, who was that lady?"

He sighs. "We don't know yet, fingerprints haven't gotten us anywhere. All we do know is that she is like you."

"Like me? I thought I was the only one..." 

"Nope. Apparently there is at least one person like you on every continent. And that is only people who have been scanned and confirmed before. We have no idea how many of your kind are out there. All we know is that she had abilities." 

I sigh and cross my arms. "Why haven't we been discovered before then. They must have amazing control over their emotions."

"Actually, they don't have any. Duckie said their Limbic Systems were under developed. Yours, however, is slightly over developed. So-"

"I'm a freak among freaks. Great. That explains why my powers are connected to my emotions." I begin to pace. "Why me? I don't understand." 

"Will you stop pacing. It isn't a big deal. Right now our biggest concern is why she was here and why she wanted you."

I come to a halt and turn to face him. "I want to see her. Maybe if I see her face I will recognize her. There were other people in the Project. Maybe she was one of them."

"Genevieve, the woman looked to be well into her 20s. She seems to old to be part of the project." 

I shake my head. "There is a lot that you don't know about the Project, Gibbs." 

"You plan on telling me everything at some point in time?" 

I place my hand on my cheek and sigh. "I have journals where I documented everything that happened. My foster father said that eventually it would become useful. I have them hidden somewhere where they wouldn't be found by anyone but me."

"And where is that?" 

"In the wall of my room at my foster parents' house." 

"Well, let's go get them." 

"Are you sure you want to know everything Gibbs? Some of the things that they made me do in there were horrible."

He looks at me before walking out. "Genevieve, you did what you had to do to survive. I won't hold anything in those journals against you."

"Tony might. I heard him, before I fully fell asleep. He thinks I'm a danger to all of you." 

"Ah, DiNozzo is like that. He's just being cautious. We all will understand that the things that happened were not your fault. We trust you, Genevieve. I hope that you trust us." 

"I do."

"Good, then let's go get those journals." 

GenevieveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang