Chapter 16

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I swivel in Ziva's chair as Tony and McGee are clacking away at their key boards. Gibbs had run up to the director's office the minute we got there, and no one is telling me what is going on. I start to become fidgety and tap on the desk. After about three minutes of this Tony slams his hand on his desk and looks at me with daggers. "If you don't stop doing that, I will go over there and bang your head into the desk." Tim looks over at Tony and throws a piece of crumpled up paper at him.

"Tony, you know if Gibbs hears what you just said to her-"

"Oh, I heard it McGee. We both did." I sit up straight as Gibbs and the Director come into the squad room. "Ziva still hasn't arrived?" Tony shakes his head and I lean back in the seat again as I realize he still isn't going to tell me what's going on. He glances at me before continuing. "Well, that's weird."

"And it's very unlike Ziva. I want you to trace her phone." I look over at the Director.

"With all due respect, ma'am, I am pretty sure that Ziva can take care of herself." She looks at me with wide eyes and Duckie walks in.

"Miss Genevieve, it's time for our daily releases to start. We have to get all of that negative energy out of you in the least harmful way possible. Ziva isn't here yet? That's odd." He looks at Gibbs. "Have you put a trace on her phone yet?" The Director smiles at me and I sigh.

"At least let me try to connect with her first." I hear protests, but close my eyes anyways and reach out for her. It is surprisingly easy to met her.

"Ziva, where the hell are you?" She turns to me and looks around at the surrounding purple and blue gases.

"So, this is what this place looks like. Anyways. Genevieve, something is happening. Someone is following me in the car, have been since I left my house this morning. Something tells me that we have encountered them before. Tell Gibbs that I am going to try to lose them and will be back to NCIS as soon as I can." There is a sudden sound of a crash and I am thrown back into reality and actually fall out of my chair gasping.

Gibbs rushes to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Ziva... being followed... crash... I think she was in a car accident, but I don't know if she's hurt, I got thrown out." Gibbs turns back to Tony and Tim and they both are just staring at his hand, which is bleeding. "Gibbs, what happened?" I look behind him and find a broken mug. Then I look up at Duckie, who is holding his broken glasses. "I did that." I refuse to look at Gibbs and stand up. "I can't control it. And it's getting stronger. I'm sorry." I push past them and walk towards the elevator.

Once the door have shut and it starts moving, I flip the switch and it stops. I sit in the corner and hug my knees to my chest. I hurt Gibbs, and I could have hurt Duckie...

I could hurt them all...

GenevieveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang