Chapter 17

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Gibbs' POV

I chase after Genevieve and slam on the elevator door as it closes. I hit the call button, but it doesn't move. Dammit, she must have hit the switch. I rush over to my desk and pick up the phone, calling Abby. "Don't bother calling me Gibbs, I can't answer the phone right now." I turn as Abby walks behind Duckie and smiles. I slam the phone on the reciever.

Duckie looks at me with the same amount of concern in his eyes. She saw the same look in her eyes that I did. Of course, Jenny has no clue about Genevieve's past history, so she doesn't get our concern. 

"Jethro, perhaps you are over reacting. Genevieve may have simply needed some time to process the thing with Ziva. Then-"

"This has nothing to do with what happened to Ziva, Jen." I turn to look at Tony and McGee. "You two had to bring her attention to the cup, which then brought it to my hand, and then to Duckie's glasses. Do you two have anything to say for yourselves? Did you see that look in her eyes. She has enough problems with everything going on right now and she doesn't need you two making her feel like she is endangering us." Tony scoffs.

"Well, she is endangering us. Boss, we have no clue what this girl is capable of. Well, you might, but we don't. All we know is that when she fell she let off some kind of energy that broke the mug in your hand, and it also broke Duckie's glasses. What had happened if she had shattered them? Duckie could be blind, or worse! We should be considering our own safety here! Maybe it would be best to give her back to the Project, because at least they know what she is capable of!" 

"Tony! Bite your tongue. Genevieve would never hurt anyone! Not intentionally, anyways." Abby looks down at her hands. "When we were being held captive by Lowe, he kept hurting me, and every time she kept healing me, taking all of that hurt into herself. He was even going to kill me, and she was willing and ready to heal me, which would have killed her. Someone who is willing to die for someone else is not someone capable of hurting people." Tony shuts his mouth tightly and looks at his feet. He then sighs and looks up at Abby.

"But maybe she has been broken so much that the girl we think we know is only a facade. You never know Abby. But honestly, I think Ziva should be our main priority right now."

"Wait, what's up with Ziva?"

"We believe that she was kidnapped. Genevieve tried to contact her to see where she was, and Ziva said someone was following her. Then Genevieve said there was a car accident, which she got thrown out of Ziva's mind and that's how this thing happened." I motion to the broken mug on the floor surrounded by a coffee stain. 

"What, Genevieve did that?" We all look up as Ziva walks into the room, letting her bag fall behind her desk. "Tony must have really ticked her off. Sorry I'm late Gibbs, traffic was murder." I don't answer and we all stare at her, she doesn't appear to have been in an accident of any kind. She sits down and powers up her computer, then looks up to find us staring. "What's wrong? Do I have something in my teeth?" 

"You said you were stuck in traffic?" 


"Did Genevieve try to contact you at all?"Ziva scoffs. 

"Oh please, Genevieve tried on one of the days that I had babysitting duty, and she couldn't get in. I was trained to protect my mind from mind games, and I guess that training also keeps her out." I look at the Director. 

"Still think that she is processing the thing with Ziva? Ziva wasn't even the person she connected with. Someone posing as Ziva allowed her into their mind, and then there was a car accident. She thinks that Ziva has been kidnapped." Jen looks down to the floor and sighs. 

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