Chapter 25

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Genevieve's POV 

"Gibbs, I'm not sure what's happening right now, and you're scaring me..."

He grabs my hand from across the table where he and June are sitting. "Genevieve, we have to ask you some questions. About the night your parents were killed."

I pull my hand away and place it in my lap. "What do you mean? I have already answered questions."

"We never really asked you the question that should have been the first one. Where were you the night of your parents' death?"

I glance at him and June, and then look down at the table. "I don't know. I was at the Project for the first part of the day, and then I don't remember anything. I woke up the next morning in a park about a mile from my house. That's when I walked home and saw you guys there." I sniff and wipe at my eyes with my sleeves. "And I know how that sounds, but I swear, on my life, Gibbs, that I didn't kill them. I didn't kill them." I cover my mouth as I begin to sob. 

"Genevieve..." June comes over and sits next to me. She tries to wrap her arm around my shoulders and I cringe away. "Okay. Honey, we don't believe that you killed your parents. Not intentionally anyway."

"Doc, I don't think-"

"What does she mean by intentionally Gibbs?" I look up at him and try desperately to hold back my tears. "Please don't lie to me, I can't handle it if you lie to me too."

He sighs. "Genevieve, it appears that Lowe used you the night June was almost killed. He used you to try to kill her. And when I learned this, I thought that maybe he used you against your parents too." 

I let out a shaky breath and hug myself. "So, you're saying that I may have killed the only people who could get me  out of the project?"

"You didn't know what you were doing. It's not the same-"

"Don't you dare tell me it's not the same Gibbs. It's like if you are in a gang. Someone hands you a gun and tells you to shoot someone, you still have a choice. And even if you are forced to pull the trigger, you still pulled the damn trigger." I push myself up from the chair and stomp out of the room. 

"Gibbs, you can't just let her go. She-"

"She needs to cool down. Give her some time."

"Gibbs, like you pointed out earlier, I am the shrink. And if I say she needs to be monitored, she needs to be monitored."

"But you didn't say she needed to be monitored."

"I would've if you had let me finish."

They continued to bicker as I paced back and forth through the living room. I run my hands through my hair and try to regulate my breathing. 


I stop pacing and listen carefully. Someone is outside the house. 

Genevieve, I'm coming for you. I can make you do things. 

I look over into the dining room where Gibbs and June are still arguing with each other. 

Go to the kitchen. 

I begin taking steps towards the kitchen door, and can barely hear the argument stopping. Once in the kitchen, I stop, awaiting further instructions. 

Grab a knife from the drawer.

I slowly open the door and grab a steak knife. 

"Genevieve, are you okay? Say something."

Slit your wrists. Do it quickly, and turn around so that they can see you. 

I turn to face Gibbs and June. Their eyes widen. Gibbs puts his hands up. "Genevieve, put the knife down. I need you to put the knife down." 

"Gibbs, her eyes. They were like that the night Lowe came to my house."


Slit them now.

I quickly take the knife and slash both of my wrists. Suddenly I feel the pain and drop the knife. "What the hell? Gibbs, I-" My eyes begin to feel heavy and I fall to the ground. 

Gibbs manages to grab my head before it hits the tile. 

"Genevieve, listen to me. You have to heal yourself. You have to." 

"I don't know if I can."

June kneels next to me and hold my face in her hands. "Genevieve, remember when I taught you how to push past the pain and severity? I need you to do that. Breathe." 

I nod weakly and breathe deeply. The cuts on my wrists close, and I lay my head on Gibbs' lap. "I'm so tired."

Gibbs strokes my hair and pulls me up to his chest. "It's okay. I've got you." He looks at June. "We have to stop these bastards before they kill her." He squeezes my shoulders. "Thank you June. Thank you." 

She smiles sadly and nods. "I'm going to clean up the blood. She needs to rest."

"We need to get her to the hospital to get more blood. She lost a lot."

"Regular blood won't work. We tried before and she rejected it. She just needs to rest because there is no way that we can get the supply that's stored at the Project. Rest is the best we can do for her." 

Gibbs nods. "Okay. Let me go put her in bed and I will come help clean up." 

"I'll come. We should change her out of those bloody clothes." 

Gibbs lifts me off the floor and carefully walks up the stairs. He sets me down on my bed, and turns to pull pjs out of the dresser. He hands them to June and turns around as she helps me change into them. Then the blood is cleaned off my wrists and hands, and then I am laid back down. 

"We need to take turns watching her tonight. You wanna take first watch?"

Gibbs nods and pulls up the chair next to my bed. 

June nods and walks out. 

"Hey, how you feeling?"


He laughs and pulls my blankets to my shoulders. "Then go to bed. Just close your eyes, I'm not going anywhere." 

"Okay." I close my eyes and start to feel my brain slipping into sleep. "Goodnight daddy." I don't hear a response before I fall into a deep sleep. 

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