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Okay guys, so up until this point all I of the chapters have been in Gibbs' point of view. But now the story is going to start being really rough emotionally for Genevieve. So from now on, unless a chapter arises where I need Gibbs' p.o.v, all of the chapters will be in Genevieve's p.o.v. 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have been reading not only this story but the other stuff I've written too. I will be starting to put more fan fictions on and will also be putting some of my original stuff on here too. Usually I avoid putting completely original stuff on my profile because I am paranoid. But now I think it is time to get over it. So starting today I will be posting more of my original stuff on. 

Thank you all my faithful followers and people who read my stuff! 

Also, if any of you have any ideas on how I can make my stories better, please feel free to message me or comment! 

Write On! 


GenevieveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora