First Day on The Main Roster

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Winters POV

I was walking around the arena for Smackdown with Nikki and Brie Bella, The Bella Twins are the people I have gotten along with best since signing for WWE. I am making my debut tonight against Brie and I am incredibly nervous.

As we turned a corner I saw two guys I recognised from the shows but I had never met in person, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. The lunatic fringe looked up and met my gaze, not breaking it until me and the girls turned the corner. He had a strange look in his eyes, as though he was mesmerised by something.

"Who were you looking at back there?" Nikki teased with a smirk.
"Reigns?" Brie joined in.
"No actually, I was looking at Ambrose." I turned around to look back down the hall whilst still walking forwards.

"Ambrose? Please tell me you are joking." Brie said sounding concerned.
"Why what's so bad about him?" I questioned.
"He's crazy!" Nikki chirped.

"Let's just say be careful with your decisions." Brie warned.
I just shrugged it off and we carried on walking.

My Dad had returned on the last PPV, Battleground, to attack Brock Lesnar for breaking his Wrestlemania streak, and yesterday on Raw it took the whole locker room to keep them from killing each other.

There has been a lot of controversy going on about him coming back and my joining, a lot of people who don't watch NXT and don't know a lot about me are excited to find out what I will bring to the table. There has also been some mentioning of a rivalry or allying between me and Charlotte, Ric Flair's daughter, who just joined the main roster to join team Paige with Irish Becks. Everyone's getting excited because we are both WWE legends daughters that have come up at the same time.

The new addition of us divas is really going to spice things up in the divas division, and it has to be said, this division has gotten kinda boring lately. Although I'm not entirely sure if I'm joining a team yet or if I'm going to be a lone ranger riding in an open space.

Me and the twins walked into catering and there was quite a few superstars in there already. I could hear whispers of "The Undertakers daughter" and "that's 'Takers daughter" as well as being stared at by nearly every single person in the room, I just smiled warmly at the people I looked at.

As we sat at a table and ate the food we had picked from the buffet most of the superstars had turned away and continued with what they were doing before we entered, but I could still see someone's gaze turned towards me from across the room out of the corner of my eye, so I confidently met their gaze and realised that it was Dean Ambrose. He was looking at me like I was an animal in a zoo, but he had a poker face and however hard I tried I could not tell what he might be thinking.

"Hey Win" Brie clicked in front of my face.
I snapped back into reality.
"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" I replied.
Nikki leaned forward and looked in the direction I was looking.
"I said me and Bryan are still trying for a baby, but it's so hard whilst being on the road." She carried on.
"The lunatic fringe is looking at you." Nikki pointed out.
I snapped my head in his direction to see Dean still staring at me.

Dean's POV

I looked at the catering door to see the new chick I saw earlier and the Bella's walk in.
"Hey Roman, who's that chick? I haven't seen her around before." I asked.
Roman turned around to look at her and then turned back to face me.
"That's 'Takers daughter, she's just moved up from NXT." He replied before eating his food.

"How old is she?" I questioned.
"I think she's about 24." He answered with his mouth full.
"Why do you wanna know?" He quizzed.
"Just wondering." I shrugged him off.
She looked around the room at the staring faces and smiled a warm smile.

She sat down at a table and flicked her gaze towards me. There's something about her that intrigues me, something that makes me want to know more about her. Most of the intrigue is probably because she's The Undertakers daughter - one of the most mysterious and intriguing men you will ever meet, but there's something else that I can't quite put my finger on that makes me feel this need to talk to and get to know her.

Winters POV

Just as me, Nikki and Brie were chatting, a tall dark figure entered the room. I looked over and jumped up out of my seat.
"Dad!" I shouted happily.
"Hello sweetheart." He said quietly whilst pulling me into a hug.
"Are you taking me to the gorilla for my match?" I asked him.
"Of course, let's go." He smiled.
Brie followed and went out first.

Brieee Modeee

When she was in the ring and had been introduced my music started and my dad gave me a hug. "Good luck, knock 'em dead." He smirked.
"Thank you, love you." I giggled before walking out.

When you came in the air went out,
And every shadow filled up with doubt,
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you

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